A low carb diet is really an extreme because you take out a whole host of items that could be used in a meal, but here is a good soup for your pleasure:
Low Carb Diet Better For Calorie Loss?
So scientists had 21 obese participants, ages 18 to 40, lose 10% to 15% of their initial body weight (about 30 pounds). After their weight had stabilized, each participant followed one of three different diets for four weeks. Participants were fed food that was prepared for them by diet experts. The dieters were admitted to the hospital four times for medical and metabolic testing. Ref. Source 7
I don't feel any one diet does it. The only working solution is eating health, eating less and exercise. No one can ever doubt this doesn't work and work very well.
I agree, so many times we just make things so complicated. When it just makes sense to eat healthier and exercise more; basically go back to basics. Though I recognize that for some, they may not have the focus and will power to do a life change, and maybe a diet plan gives them the crutch they need go foreword and survive. I know my wife is like that, but finally she is heeding my advice, though it seems she may have come to this point on her own, she is trying now the caveman diet.
She has now switched from Medifast, that does work 100% for everyone I have seen faithfully use the program and the foods, it is just a whole lot of highly processed fairly expensive foods.
If one eats more naturally, gives up most acid ash foods like animal products and sodas, white four and sugar and etc, the weight should come down, unless the body is so already messed up and damaged, it near the point of no return. The old phrase, a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, is very true. You can do to your body in 6 months, that might take years to correct. I am still battling and over coming problems I acquired when I was growing up and in the military during the Viet Nam Era. A slow process, but I am still alive and fighting, when I know if I had not made the change, I would not probalby be alive today or some Vegetable in a Hospital somewhere.
How a Low-Carb Diet is Metabolically Like Being Obese
Free fatty acids (Meaning fat circulating in the bloodstream not packaged into triglycerides) result in inflammation, toxic fat breakdown products, and oxidative stress, which can gum up the insulin receptor pathway and lead to insulin resistance in our muscles. Insulin resistance is what causes prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. I explain the process in my […] Ref. Source 7x.