Can You Love a Stubborn Person?
Stubborn here represents an individual who will not listen to what you suggest for them to do. Take note... because a person has agency, if he/she does not agree with with what you say then they do not necessarily have to do it. However, to keep a connection in relationships a compromise is made where one party does it just to please the other, but not necessarily because they agree. The underlying reason for this compromise can be many things including, but not limited to 'love', but what about if the person has earned the title 'stubborn', where most of the suggestions are ignored?
I think that people can love other people in the general sense, no matter what kind of personality they have. In the romantic sense of love, I believe there is someone for everyone. I don't believe that anybody could romantically love an extremely stubborn person, but I'm sure there's someone in the world who probably could.
Yeah you can love a stubborn person... just sometimes love might not be in return. a relationship with stubborness can be a really hard thing to pull through. but if you continue to show the love of them, then stubborness will for most people "die" off.
Of course you can love a stubborn person, I don't see why a person could not. Just because the person do not always listen and has a strong willed it doesn't mean they cannot be loved, they definetly need more love than ever.
Yes, you can love a stubborn person. From your definition, my husband is stubborn. However, he isn't unreasonable, and if he can be convinced that it is right for him to do so, he will change his mind. He won't submit to my suggestions just to keep the peace or just because he loves me. I prefer this to someone who doesn't have a mind of his own. I wouldn't want him to be led so easily.
I think it would depend upon the level of stubborness a person had. My fiance and I both have a complex of being stubborn, but we are willing to compromise. Now, if it got to a point to where somebody was so "stubborn" that their way is the only way and my opinion does not matter regardless of what it may be and they make me constantly feel bad about having a voice, then who knows. I might love them for their good qualities, but I don't think I could pursue a long term relationship with somebody who is close minded to believe they are the only ones who are right.
We all have our stubborness, and we all have our own way of dealing with it. It all depends on the severity of that person's stubborness. It may not dictate my feelings for them, but if it was bad enough where I started having a bad complex about myself because that other person was relentless in letting me know I was wrong on everything and what I thought didn't count, then it might play a part in whether or not I seperate myself or not.
Unfortunately, I'm generally the stubborn one. I'm sure I'm always right, and it sometimes takes an act of Congress to get me to see the light and change my mind. I've mellowed a bit with age; I think I'm better today than I was 5 years ago, but I still have room to improve. Am I unloveable?
I'm very stubborn, but my wife still loves me. The funny thing is that she has learned how to change my point of view with out direct confrontation. It doesn't always work, but she knows how to make me thing about something, and see it in a different light without being directly confrontational about it. It lets down my guard and circumvents my stubbornness sometimes.