"To be without guile is to be pure in heart--an essential virtue of those
who would be counted among true followers of Christ. He taught in the
Sermon on the Mount, 'Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see
God' (Matt. 5:8; see also 3 Ne. 12:8). He revealed to the Prophet Joseph
Smith that Zion is the pure in heart (see D&C 97:21) and that a house is
to be built in Zion in which the pure in heart shall see God (see D&C 97:
"If we are without guile, we are honest, true, and righteous. All of these
are attributes of Deity and are required of the Saints. Those who are
honest are fair and truthful in their speech, straightforward in their
dealings, free of deceit, and above stealing, misrepresentation, or any
other fraudulent action. Honesty is of God and dishonesty of the devil;
the devil was a liar from the beginning. Righteousness is living a life that
is in harmony with the laws, principles, and ordinances of the gospel."
(Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Without Guile," Ensign, May 1988, 80-81)
guile n.
Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit.
Obsolete. A trick or stratagem.
I guess I never really knew what guile meant. I thought it referred to anger so I was going to say no. However, I do think I am without guile. I am not a deceitful or treacherously cunning person. It is definately not in my to be deceitful so I guess I am without guile. Thank goodness. I have enough other issues that I do need to work on.
I believe this is one of those words that is often overlooked or skipped, but it does appear in the scriptures quite a number of times. Of course based on the above explanation I would have to find myself with guile. Based on Tena's dictionary term then I am without guile. I believe this also shows how words in a spiritual connotation can have such a different meaning and therefore must be researched and pondered.