Introduction of Feather
Hi all from Feather.
I came to this forum to play in my friend Cat's Dungeon and Dragon game. My interests include poetry, Role Play games, books, movies and child development. I also attend a Live Actions Role Play group once a month, and go camping in the woods.
I tend to have small amounts of trouble when it comes to navigating technology.
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
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For other RPG genres look at the: Custom Built Text Based role-playing games
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Howdy Partners this is Feather. I know I will have fun in KittenPunk's game. She is a sweetie pie and we go way back. I met Cat(Meow) at College in the Viking Den. A gamer hangout spot on campus. A fellow viking showed me where the Viking Den was and then introduced to her. Been friends ever since. We are more like sisters.
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