I was thinking something a week ago, and this question came to my mind, it was, "If I die and I DON'T go to heaven or hell, than where I go?"
This is my question, so I go to the spirit world instead of going to Heaven or Hell?
Really Heaven refers to the spirit world's paradise and hell refers to other half of the spirit world, so when you die you go to either one of those. The final destination is one of the kingdoms: Celestial, Terrestrial, etc.
Hello Felipe what makes you think that you will not go to heaven? Heavenly Father loves each one of us and he gives us plenty opportunities to repent and try again. Hell is reserved for people who will never repent here or the afterlife.
I can't remember the exact scripture or talk (I will look at it) where they tell us that afterlife we still have opportunities to repent and that's why so many people choose the Gospel of Jesus Christ after they die.
You could say the Spirit World is a heaven and a hell as the righteous go to paradise to await the resurrection and the wicked go to prison (aka hell) also to await the resurrection.
It is here that the preaching of the gospel to the dead goes on etc.
In the resurrection, one receives a degree of glory (salvation).
It is possible that one might receive no glory and we refer to that as outer darkness. It is the same as referred to in Revelation when it says and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.