Wanted: Omar Shafik Hammami
The USA Rewards for Justice program is offering US$5 Million for information leading to location of Omar Shafik Hammami.
Some details provided by their site:
Date of Birth : May 6, 1984
Place of Birth : Alabama
Sex : Male
Height : 5'11" (180 cm)
Weight : 160 lbs
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Brown
Race : White
Nationality : American
Aliases : Abu Mansour al-Amriki, Farouk, Farouq
Passport : 403062567 (United States)
Omar Shafik Hammami (Hover)
Most wanted American jihadi militant killed
A rapping jihadi from Alabama who ascended the ranks of Somalia's al-Qaida-linked militant group and was on the FBI's Most Wanted list with a $5 million reward for his capture has been killed in an ambush ordered by the militant group's leader, militants said. Ref. Source 9