Kron starts to move into the flank and this allows one of the worshippers to try and stab him, but Kron parries and replies with two blows that sends the worshipper to meet whoever he worships.
Meanwhile Maicman takes some initiative and jumps in front of Kron shouting,
"Stop, enough blood has been shed" with a hope to cause a pause, but there is no such break in motion from what seems to be an onslaught of zealot worshippers bent on seeing you annihilated.
The party hopes that they live through this and that Horde will somehow take an initiative which he is already doing with his crossbow. In fact Horde takes out one bandit on Ariadne's side.
Maciman's attack is so sound that the worshipper is spun around and hits the wall on the other side and ends up dead.
Ariadne yells like a wild woman and she deals a critical, but not fatal blow to her enemy, but unfortunately she did not see the other end of his short sword and he finishes her off... Ariadne goes down with a groan and then silence.
Horde shoots a bolt from his crossbow to finish off Ariadne's conqueror and then there is silence in the room as many dead are slumped on both sides of the cave room.
You know this is not all of them and you wonder what the rest are doing. Horde looks down and says,
"Well she be a fine maiden that, but a bit too zealous I believe, pity that chain, it would have been handy now"
He then cleans his blade on the cloak of a dead worshipper.
GM: Say what you will do now. Stats have NOT been updated. User LDS_forever's character is dead and may no longer post in the camp.
Horde's words inspire Maicman and Kron to press on which they begin to do until they hear the sound of the main entrance opening... it is Knight!
"See here, ye have done some work and I see we are missing two from our party?"
You then explain what happened and Knight continues,
"Sad, but they be gone in good works. My survey of the forest leads me to believe that there will be no outside intrusion, so we are free to clear here and rid our Village of this evil."
Knight then observes the three of you and you notice Horde is beckoning Knight to observe your wounds. Knight then pulls out two curious looking bottles of red fluid and says, "Drink that and thy spirit will be totally made alive."
You are unsure of the slimy liquid and do not feel like you should take it.
GM: Say if you wish to drink the liquid Knight offers you.
You drink the liquid with some apprehension and then feel as though it is rushing through your body with fire and for a moment you think you are going to die, but then something miraculous happens...
Your wounds all start to close and you feel as healthy as you did when you ate ma's freshly baked cookies on a frost bitten morn. You thank Knight (Your HP has been fully restored), he nods knowing the satisfaction that came from his 'secret liquid' and then he bids,
Let us be off then to make a final conquer. It is likely that there are still many remaining, and since we have no element of surprise we may have to charge in. I believe there are worshippers who are not highly skilled, but there are many of them, and there is also their leader, whom I believe is trained in the mystic arts. With which will you do battle or shall we but call it free for all and charge in?
GM: Say what you will do now in a timely manner as time is against you.
Kron asks Knight,
"Where is this leader of the bandits who is skilled in the arts? If thou knowest where he is located then hasten to his position to engage him in battle. If he is being protected, we will all proceed together and engage the masses in battle so that you can get to him one-on-one."
Knight places his hand on Kron's shoulder and says,
"Lad, this be good, but I must assume that they are now expecting us with drawn swords or even a trap, so we must go with skill."
He then turns to Horde and says,
"Horde, good friend, remember the old maid routine that we developed during the Grey Stalk wars?"
Horde nods his head with a dastardly grin.
"Then we shall do that while we leave these lads to fend off the worshippers."
You both look at each other trying to figure out what they are talking about, but it all seems to be science of the mages to you. Knight then looks at Kron and Maicman and gestures towards the deeper parts of the cave,
"Let Horde and myself enter first and then look for whomever you can hit with missile weapons if you have any, if not charge. Lend us hand where you can. Agreed?"
GM: Say if you agree with Knight and any last indications of what you will do before you enter the cave room.
You agree.
Knight leads, but asks you to stay about 10 feet behind him and with a lit torch he moves ahead to the point of the intersection and then peers around the corner looking west. He sees nothing and then motions for you to follow after him. You reach the intersection also and then watch down the steps. All is quite and you know that something is being prepared for you, most likely your death. Knight then motions for Horde to come behind him and then Knight says to Maicman and Kron,
"Give us but five counts and then come in..."
You nod in agreement and then watch as Knight throws his torch down the stairs, passed the place where you left T'gron to die and into the room. With a huge jump Knight and Horde make their way to the bottom of the stairs and then into the room... Knight goes north and Horde goes south west. You start to count...
"One... Two... Three... Four... Five..."
Then with memories of the Village you run down the stairs and into the worship room!
At first you are taken back by all that is going on... Knight is involved with a dark creature with mystic look while Horde is taking on several worshippers at once. You follow after Horde and as you do he leaves you to go and assist Knight.
Kron faces three worshippers and so does Maicamn.
Maicman and Kron both stand over the body of T'gron. They give their gestures of respect to him as they know he helped in saving their life. Yet, they are not intelligent nor wise enough to understand the failure in their past plans and that T'gron's death was so unnecessary. You look for the map that T'gron kept and notice it is in one corner of the room. You both pick it up and try to figure it out, but you are unable to and you wish you could add to it, but you never did listen to ma and take writing lessons. Too much muscle she always said, but you shrug your shoulders and move on to explore the room.
Their are no visible exits but you do notice the large snake statue with its' eyes peering at you. A closer look reveals that the eyes of the snake are in fact some kind of gem stones! An urge to have them engulfs you! Below the eyes of the snake is it's open mouth and fork like tongue that almost seems to dangle in an unusual way. On each side of the snake stands some lighted torches on lamp-like pedestals. In the front of the snake is a large urn. The rest of the room is full of the bodies of the worshippers and their leader, none of which appear to be moving.
GM: Say what you will do now.
You go around to each body and simply look at it for movement, when you see nothing that shows life you search the body and in all you find about 50 gps, many short swords and of course bloody garments of battle. You are excited to search the leader to find something extra 'special', but amazingly he has nothing on him of value unless you wish to take his mutilated robes as a prize.
GM: Say what you will do now.
Knight returns at the bottom of the stairs and says in a loud voice,
"Be ye finished? We must make haste back to the Village and take with us the glad news."
GM: Say what you will do now.