Medieval Camp To Catch A Thief RPG - Page 24 of 34

Ariadne is right...The smell should be a sign - Page 24 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 3rd Dec, 2004 - 7:26am

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2nd Dec, 2004 - 2:33pm / Post ID: #

Medieval Camp To Catch A Thief RPG - Page 24

You see, I felt we needed to go towards the water....wink.gif but two things are concerning me...if there is an smell as described then some people must have been taking there as prisoners and not allowed to leave or they were trapped in there?. What are we going to do if it is a trap door???.Hmmmm....the other thing, I do not think those robes were there by chance, I think we should wear them to disguise ourselves in case there are people there who are doing a ritual, if they see our faces, then they will attack us at once but if they see our robes then they may be confused and not attack us thinking we are part of their team.

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Post Date: 2nd Dec, 2004 - 3:40pm / Post ID: #

Medieval Camp To Catch A Thief RPG
A Friend

RPG Thief Catch Camp Medieval

Do you really think some bad guys left their robes there for intruders to disguise them self?...

We should look for trap dors and in deed the passage is narrow so careful is the main word here

2nd Dec, 2004 - 4:36pm / Post ID: #

Medieval Camp To Catch A Thief RPG RPG PBP Medieval World

Do you really think some bad guys left their robes there for intruders to disguise them self?...

Maybe they take off their clothes to take a bath undecided.gif

2nd Dec, 2004 - 6:17pm / Post ID: #

Page 24 RPG Thief Catch Camp Medieval

If you want to war these clothes, it means you'll have to take your armor. You can't wear both at the same time. Are you sure you want to?

Those aren't bandits' robes, maybe they're robes of their enemies. whom they tortured and stripped undecided.gif

It's your decidion, I'm already in bandits' clothes.

Now that we are near water, should we take a sip anyways? The GM did say they are fresh, and if we won't heal, we won't die either.

2nd Dec, 2004 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

RPG Thief Catch Camp Medieval

Smudge, I think I would stick with my armor. Do you all want to go ahead and drink the water?, what about the smell?. It would be better for some to go ahead and go around the water and others to stay outside in case is a trap. Don't you all think?

3rd Dec, 2004 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

Medieval Camp To Catch A Thief RPG

Perhaps I and Kron can go - Kron for his high hp, and I for my bandit's uniform. What traps do you expect there to be? Bandits?

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3rd Dec, 2004 - 1:44am / Post ID: #

Medieval Camp Catch Thief RPG - Page 24

I am not sure, maybe some crazy fanatics who usually look for victims for their human sacrifices undecided.gif I think the smell is an indication that there are bodies out there....
I would stay outside until you all give me the okay to enter....

Post Date: 3rd Dec, 2004 - 7:26am / Post ID: #

Medieval Camp To Catch A Thief RPG
A Friend

Medieval Camp Catch Thief RPG World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 24

Ariadne is right...The smell should be a sign ...I want to keep my armour to (I wanted to go in the other room an pick Ariadne's chain armour, because I always wanted that armor looking so shiny on my warrior companion:)

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