Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation

- D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 6th Jul, 2016 - 11:58pm

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4th Jul, 2016 - 9:13pm / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master
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Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation

The Maker says...

Current ACTIVE game: Ruler of Kings II Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game


The below Role-playing Game is CLOSED

1. Use the "Create / Edit Character" Button to the top left to begin creating your Character and enter the info on your Character Sheet.

2. There is a helpful Character Generator available in your Character Sheet whenever you click the "Update Character" Button. You can also do the usual manual rolls following the bellow information as your guide.

3. After filling your Character Sheet make sure to tell me about it here so I can look it over.

Players should make sure that they complete all the steps in character creation. Questions regarding character creation may go in this thread, including questions related to how the setting may influence character creation. Questions relating to policy, rules, or general setting should be posted in the appropriate thread.

Some basic setting information that may help guide players in the character creation process will be included in the Review Thread and this, along with further setting information, may be added to the Support Thread as well.

Step 1: Choose a Race
This game does have some racial restrictions. Dragon Born and Teiflings are not available options for players in this setting. Though these races may exist in the world, they have not been encountered by the dominant culture in which the characters will be a part of. Players who choose to play a human character may generate the character with the standard human traits or use the variant human traits found on pg. 31 of the Players Handbook. Half-Orcs are permitted but discouraged as NPCs will have a default attitude of ‘unfriendly’ when dealing with them.

This setting includes a home brew sub race of gnomes referred to as Gypsies:

Gypsy Gnomes
Often seen as an irritant by those of the dominant culture, these gnomes are a nomadic people whose homeland has been long forgotten. They travel throughout the realms of the other races in their covered wagons going from town to town offering a variety of services; mostly entertainment. They quickly tend to wear out their welcome, however, as they are generally viewed as con artists and thieves; a reputation that is perhaps well deserved.

Like forest gnomes gypsies have a natural talent for illusions and stealth; many speculating that the gypsies were in fact forest gnomes that left the forest. Unlike their cousins, Gypsy Gnomes do not have the ability to communicate with small animals. This ability is replaced by a gypsies quick hands and increased sleight of hand ability

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1
Natural Illusionist: You know the minor illusion cantrip, Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
Increased Sleight of Hand: You have advantage on sleight of hand checks.

Step 2: Choose a Class
All classes found in the Players Handbook are available character options. However, there may be some restrictions depending on what race/culture a character comes from. Given their versatility and adaptability, humans most often do not suffer from any restrictions in terms of class. However most restrictions are related to culture rather than race per se. The wood elves of the Scolandi Forest, for example, do not study magic in a manner consistent with wizards and generally do not worship divine beings in a manner consistent with clerics/paladins and thus these class options are generally not available to them.

The "High Elves" of Invetheas or Allranbel do not suffer from this restriction, however, as both of these cultures do study magic and worship deities. On the other hand Druids, while not necessarily restricted, are not very common in the Asendar culture or among the Dwarves. Gypsy Gnomes also tend to be restricted in their class choices given their culture; Clerics, Paladins, and Druids are rarely found among Gypsy Gnomes. Forest Gnomes may have Druids among them but are still unlikely to have clerics or paladins. More information regarding classes and how they fit into each culture will eventually be provided in the SRD.

Step 3: Determine Ability Scores
We will be using the variant point buy rule to generate ability scores. You have 27 points to spend on your ability scores; reference the Ability Score Point Cost found in the Player’s Handbook on page 13.

Step 4: Describe Your Character
There are no restrictions regarding alignment but characters will need to have a ‘bond’ that connects them to Clear Creek or motivates them to be a member of the party and gives them a reason to go on the quest at hand.

The same applies when determining personality traits and ideals; while there are no restrictions per se, players should take care that these things do not contradict or obstruct the overall game. A character who has a personality trait in which they don’t care about anyone or anything and are staunch loners belong in a solo game, not in a party of adventurers.

Backgrounds are limited to those found in the Players Handbook beginning on page 127; ideals, personality traits, bonds, and flaws may be generated randomly using the tables provided in the backgrounds, or the player is free to develop their own unique traits, flaws, etc.

Step 5: Choose Equipment
Characters may choose to begin with the starting equipment based on their class and backgrounds or they may purchase their own equipment by rolling on the starting wealth table found on page 143 of the Players Handbook. Players must choose one, and cannot begin play with both the starting equipment offered by their class in addition to rolling on the chart. All rolls need to be done in the embedded dice roller.

Step 6: Come Together
The final step of the character creation process is for the player to describe what brings their character to Clear Creek, what, if any, relationship they may have with other characters, and why they are interested in bringing the disappearances in Clear Creek to an end.

Below you will find a suggested format for completing your character sheet. Areas like character name, title, equipment, magick/powers are self-explanatory, but it may be helpful to include the character’s level in character class for example Fighter-1 or Fighter 1:

Character Combat Info
Hit points (Current/total); Armor Class; Initiative; Passive Perception; Primary weapon stats (I.e. Longsword +5 atk / 1d8+1 Piercing Dam.)

Character History
Brief background and history of the character. The character’s background taken from the book may be listed here or in the character notes (Hermit, soldier, noble, etc.)

Character Notes
Character’s background (Hermit, soldier, noble, etc) may be listed here along with Ideals, Personality Traits, Bonds, Flaws and any other miscellaneous notes

Character Equipment & Character Storage
Equipment that the character currently has on his/her person should go into Character Equipment while gear/equipment that they are not currently carrying should go in character storage along with a note regarding where the item is being stored.

Character Stats
Character race, Ability scores and modifiers (Strength, Dexterity, Con, Int, Wisdom, Charisma); skills and saving throws; Proficiencies, Traits, racial and class abilities. You may also choose to place the information from Character Notes here instead. You may choose to list your weapons and their stats here as well.

If you go to the Game Master character sheet I have posted a template that players may copy and past for use in their character sheets. You may find this helpful, but you are not required to use this template as long as all the information is presented somewhere on your character sheet where it can be easily found/referenced.

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Post Date: 4th Jul, 2016 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character RPG e Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Just a simple question for the GM/Dungeon Master and a comment for the other players…

First, do you have a preference for stat rolling? Such as 3d6 in any order? Or 4d6, drop the lowest, but in the order the stats are listed? Etc?

As for character class, I tend to play rogues or a form of fighter (Ranger, barbarian, paladin, etc.). But what I like to do if I don't have a particular character screaming at me in my head, is to see what other players are going for, and essentially riff of their ideas, so as to create something that fits with the group, both from a balance-aspect, and from a role-playing-aspect. I look forward to 'meeting' all the PCs, and their players!

5th Jul, 2016 - 12:08am / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master
Game Master Lock
Base Has a Home Base
Active Player Active Role-player!

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Maker says...

Sorry, I had everything spelled out in the opening post of this thread but I lost most of it when trying to copy it over from my word processor; not sure what happened there. The OP has been updated though to include this information.

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2016 - 12:26am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character RPG e Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Paul see Step 3 for character Generation. Point Buy on page 13.

Feel free to discuss thoughts and ideas and concepts.on characters here.

6th Jul, 2016 - 2:56am / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master
Game Master Lock
Base Has a Home Base
Active Player Active Role-player!

Creation Character RPG Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

The Maker says...

international QUOTE (PaulNelson)
As for character class, I tend to play rogues or a form of fighter (Ranger, barbarian, paladin, etc.). But what I like to do if I don't have a particular character screaming at me in my head, is to see what other players are going for, and essentially riff of their ideas, so as to create something that fits with the group, both from a balance-aspect, and from a role-playing-aspect. I look forward to 'meeting' all the PCs, and their players!

Being the first to post in the character creation thread its looks as though you get to set the tone!

Post Date: 6th Jul, 2016 - 3:35am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation

So hopefully we can help KNtoran who does not have a 5e PHB in his character generation for this game.


  • Strength
  • Dexterity
  • Constitution
  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Charisma

  • Score (Cost)
  • 8 (0)
  • 9 (1)
  • 10 (2)
  • 11 (3)
  • 12 (4)
  • 13 (5)
  • 14 (7)
  • 15 (9)

  • Score (Modifier)
  • 1 (- 5)
  • 2 - 3 (- 4)
  • 4 - 5 (- 3)
  • 6 - 7 (- 2)
  • 8 - 9 (- 1)
  • 10 - 11 (+ 0)
  • 12 - 13 (+ 1)
  • 14 - 15 (+ 2)
  • 16 - 17 (+ 3)

Point Buy Abilities start at 8.

Reconcile Edited: Malcolmshaw on 6th Jul, 2016 - 3:42am

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Post Date: 6th Jul, 2016 - 11:45pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation

This is what I have so far. I have to say I really hate the point system of determine ability scores but I will live with it.
1. Human
2. Monk
3. Strength 14; Dexterity 14; Constitution 14; Intelligence 9; Wisdom 9; and Charisma 9.

I am still working on the back story. Do you have a preference on general descriptions of a character or just pick that myself?

6th Jul, 2016 - 11:58pm / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master
Game Master Lock
Base Has a Home Base
Active Player Active Role-player!

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive

The Maker says...

I think you are short 3pts so you could actually do 14,14,14,10,10,10 and then add your racial modifier as well.

I do not have a preference on description.

Reconcile Edited: Aericsteele on 7th Jul, 2016 - 12:00am

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