Member Wars - 4 January, 2004
The game is still being setup. At the moment you cannot earn money for posts, but soon you will, but for now you can earn money for a job! The first thing you should do is click the 'Member Wars Game Section' link above or 'M.Wars!' and begin familiarizing yourself with the links. You can select your job and also create your character via your profile (Look for the part that says 'Edit War Role-playing Game ')
Please do not Email please, just check here for updates.
6 January, 2003
Right now money is enabled, it will be referred to as 'Gil' you can see how much gil you have via your profile and in certain RPG board postings. This money system is seperate from FP, so do not confuse the two.
Later this evening I will be working on characters and more equipment.
4 January, 2004 8:20 EST
Everything should be ready to go! I just need rules now, that will come later again as I plan to install some more hot scripts tonight. What I suggest is that you equip your characters. Again, do not email me yet until the rules is set up as I have not even had chance to test the game yet.
Fight Against the Forum Bots!
We have added a new feature - you can now fight the forum bots in battles so you do not have to wait for a member to accept your invitation. This means you can gain experience for your character and gil too - if you win. New bots will be added soon. Look for a thread called, 'Forum Bots' with this board.
Fight Animations
The battle figures have been changed with words, we thought it would look better since you have your own character faces anyway.
All features enabled!
All the links within the Member Wars board are active, this means you will now be able to buy extra items, play the lottery, get a job and so on. More items have been added so that you can use 'dummy items', items that have no use in your personal scenario.
New Avatars
Member Wars now has its' own avatars to be used in storylines. To facilitate the addition we have also modified the Member Wars CP that appears in your posts. Please see here for details.
Making Life Easier
I found that it was very unnecessary to keep loading the whole Community just to make selections in Member Wars RPG, so from now on whenever you access the game you will just get the necessary and not the whole Community with it. This makes battles especially easier to cope with every move.