I just cannot stand the can opener JB got recently, basically because I have to be depending on him to open every can I need. I rather the one you clamp on the side and turn the knob, but to be honest with you, I hate to open cans, so there is no difference for me really
I use a magican can opener, it clamps on the can side ways, but is chunky, so I find it easier to hold.
I struggled for years before finding this, try as I might, I could never get the hang of one of those thin metal butterfly can openers, I don't know whether it's because I'm left handed or not, or whether it's just my own stupidity, but either way, I can only use the chunky type now!
Buying a can opener is like buying tweezers. Women, you may know what I'm talking about. You can't tell just by looking at the can opener if it's going to work well or not. I have bought some manual can openers that didn't work very well and I had to return them. We had an electric can opener growing up but it doesn't hold the cans very well. I say once you find a good can opener, don't lose it.