Low Grades - Page 2 of 2

Bad grades should be blamed on the individual. - Page 2 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 8th Feb, 2011 - 11:11pm

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Who is at fault?
Post Date: 29th Nov, 2004 - 3:38am / Post ID: #

Low Grades
A Friend

Low Grades - Page 2

QUOTE (malexander @ 21-Oct 04, 2:15 PM)
Neither, I would place a lot of blame and responsibility on the parents and the community that the child is raised in. While someone may not be financially able to live in a nice neighborhood, I believe it is still their responsibility to nurture the child socially and intellectually. The teacher can only become an enhancement to what is taught at home.

Well said! Unfortunately, the public in general seems to be relying more and more on letting the school system raise their children. Instead of leaving parents to teach things like common courtesy and personal hygiene, students often first come in contact with these topics in school.

You can place the world's best teacher in a classroom of students, but if the students don't pay attention or do their homework and the parents don't take an interest, then it is pretty safe to say that many students will not make it out of the class with good grades. Of course, this is more or less in regard to elementary schools.

Once you move on to junior high and high school, it is more up to the students to make sure they do well. In this stage of education, I'd say that the blame would have to be split between the teachers and students- about 50/50. An algebra teacher who spends more time talking about the football team than making sure his or her students learn about logarithms and exponents is likely to have plenty of low-scoring students. On the flipside, subjects like history are easily self-taught and success there is more on the students' shoulders than the teacher's. One year, my history teacher was diagnosed with a severe case of cancer only a few weeks into the school year. The school system couldn't afford to hire a new full time teacher, so we had a parade of substitute teachers go through the class room all year long. It was an AP (Advanced Placement) class, so there was more on the line than just a grade; we took a test at the end of the year for college credit. Despite having no real teacher and no outline, many dedicated students scored well on the AP test and walked away with college credit for an American History course.

In university, the fingers point to students and professors, although the responsibility is ultimately the students'. You may not approve of a professor's teaching methods or perhaps you have a class taught by a foreign professor who can barely speak English. In the end, if you don't like it- drop it!

As the school system progresses, the responsibility seems to graduate from parents to students more than anything else. Aside from elementary school, I wouldn't point serious blame on anyone but the student. If someone wants to learn, they are going to learn. If they don't want to learn, they won't. You can't shove knowledge down a kid's throat- I don't care what kind of amazing teacher you are.

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10th Sep, 2005 - 2:42am / Post ID: #

Grades Low

This also depends on your metric. If the students are failing standardized tests such as those that are federally dictated this could be an indication of the school system. Failure of a class room on the taught curriculum could be a reflection of the students, curriculum, and or the teacher. If a parent sees their child is failing it is up to them to figure out why and how to correct the situation. Each of these would have a different approach. Overall, I would deem it my failure if my child did not receive passing grades in school.


Post Date: 8th Feb, 2011 - 11:11pm / Post ID: #

Low Grades
A Friend

Low Grades UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Bad grades should be blamed on the individual. The individual if he is struggling should get help from the teacher or professor because that is what they are paid to do. Another option is to get help from peers or from online resources.

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