I was recently watching a newscast from a channel a few minutes ago (CNC3) and I saw this headline that said "Soldiers Accused of Beating". I wasn't surprised to see this because I knew something like this will happen.
10 soldiers beat up some men at a basketball court, I saw the victims, there were bruises on their bodies and some damages on the head of one of the victims. One of the mothers of the men said that she is angry about the government giving soldiers police powers and because of that they go and hurt people.
I hope the government can at least realize what they are doing with the soldiers having police powers because this plan isn't working properly at all on my opinion.
See? I knew the idea of having soldiers with extra-powers isn't a good idea. These people are trained to kill, they don't know how to talk to people. Let me tell you, the PM needs to change her mind about this or a lot of people will suffer.
I remember a month and a few weeks ago about watching the CONC3 morning show, and I saw Winston Dookeran talking with the host about the idea of the government giving soldiers police powers, and he says to the host...