Liberal Mormon? - Page 3 of 5

QUOTE (dbackers @ 27-Jul 08, 1:11 AM) But where - Page 3 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 27th Jul, 2008 - 6:28am

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Liberal Mormon? Related Information to Liberal Mormon?
25th Jan, 2008 - 9:28pm / Post ID: #

Liberal Mormon? - Page 3

I do find it disconcerting that some would discriminate in my party because of my faith, but I do not find this an exclusive weakness of the Republican Party. The Secular liberal wing of the Democratic party is as hostile to many of my religious views as some in the evangelical wing of my party are to my faith.

I do not believe that this is a conservative, liberal question, it is rather a separation between those that are members of the church(as well as those not of our faith who are believers), be they liberal or conservative, who are being chided because they believe in a minority faith. I believe it is in the best interest of the church if we support those of religious backgrounds, both Liberal and Conservative, against those that would restrict the practice of that faith.

Jo Public


This Christ said because I believe there is no difference in political affairs and religious affairs. It's about knowing how to live in this life in peace and happiness. Then again this is only my opinion.

I would paraphrase the words of Christ when he said render unto Caesar that which is Caesars and unto God's that which is God's

Should there not be some separation on how we govern and how we worship (I sound like a secularist.)? Or should we govern and worship under the same banner?

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11th Feb, 2008 - 2:09am / Post ID: #

Mormon Liberal

Should there not be some separation on how we govern and how we worship (I sound like a secularist.)? Or should we govern and worship under the same banner?

No I do not think that you sound like a secularist, but a rational believing Christian. As you mention let give to Caesar what is his. I think it is perfectly alright for a religious person to say this. It is just interesting that we have surrendered this idea to secularism when clearly to me it is an Christian idea. Because we brand this as a secular idea we let them define what this term means. I just wish more believing Christian and LDS saw it this way.

25th Jul, 2008 - 8:17pm / Post ID: #

Liberal Mormon? Studies Doctrine Mormon

The more I think about this, the more I think that someone can be too Liberal in the Church and be in danger of losing their membership and the spirit. Case in point, if someone believes and teaches in young women or young men's class that premarital sex is a normal part of growing up and encourages these kids to explore their sexuality, then that person has past the point of being a legitimate liberal Mormon and entered the realm of apostate thinking and action. If they teach that Jesus was just a prophet and not the son of God, then those liberal views are not compatable with the revealed word of the Lord and need to be purged from the Church.

I am not saying that everyone who is a Liberal is in danger of losing the spirit, but that there are liberal philosophies that if allow to enter the church they could be very damaging (though some liberal philosophies are in complete accordance with the will and mind of God.)

27th Jul, 2008 - 2:32am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Mormon Liberal

Case in point, if someone believes and teaches in young women or young men's class that premarital sex is a normal part of growing up and encourages these kids to explore their sexuality, then that person has past the point of being a legitimate liberal Mormon and entered the realm of apostate thinking and action. If they teach that Jesus was just a prophet and not the son of God, then those liberal views are not comparable with the revealed word of the Lord and need to be purged from the Church.

I am not sure why you think that someone who thinks that would be considered liberal? Can a conservative saint hold similar beliefs, but come to them from a different justification?
Why does liberal Mormons have to be pro premarital sex, and denying Jesus as Christ? I would say that if they did that then they are 1)not Christian by definition, and most likely not LDS. Liberal or not there are certain beliefs that you have to ascribe to to be LDS/Mormon. If you do not then your not Mormon. I know that this is just examples, but I wonder why you used this examples over others? I think such issues have very little to do being liberal rather then struggling with sin. I guess where my liberal tendencies run is in the idea of God purging others from the church. I do not think he purges. That is a dangerous idea in my mind.

27th Jul, 2008 - 3:12am / Post ID: #

Mormon Liberal

QUOTE (dbackers @ 25-Jul 08, 4:17 PM)
. Case in point, if someone believes and teaches in young women or young men's class that premarital sex is a normal part of growing up and encourages these kids to explore their sexuality, then that person has past the point of being a legitimate liberal Mormon and entered the realm of apostate thinking and action. If they teach that Jesus was just a prophet and not the son of God, then those liberal views are not compatable with the revealed word of the Lord and need to be purged from the Church.

I know they are examples but they are not even Christian, why such extreme examples that has nothing to do with liberal mormons?

27th Jul, 2008 - 5:56am / Post ID: #

Liberal Mormon?

QUOTE (Zelph @ 17-Oct 05, 10:48 AM)
The true liberal hates slavery of every kind.  He battles for human freedom.  He wants liberty in thought and action.  He is tolerant, free from bigotry, and generous in all his deeds.  He places truth above all elseand hungers for full truth.  He welcomes all new improvements and calls for more--the telegraph, electric light, telephone, printing press, typewriter, railroad, airtship, radio.  He insists that every new invention must be used for human welfare, with full respect to civil and moral law.  In short the liberal seeks to make better the day in which he lives, and he becomes therefore a crusader for the betterment of the human race.

The label "liberal" or "conservative" is subjective depending upon the perspective of the labeler. There are some who would consider me to be a liberal and yet I am very conservative by others' standards. I am a strong advocate of the tenets put forth by Elder Widtsoe. I will defend a person's right to choose regardless of whether or not I agree with their choice. I do not adhere to any one party line. I have friends and relatives who happen to be gay. While I do not understand their lifestyle I do not condemn them. That is not my responsibility, it is between them and the Lord. My responsibility is to love my neighbor as myself. I know people who have had abortions. It sickens my heart and makes me extremely sad to consider the loss of such innocent life. But I cannot condemn the person who made such a difficult choice. I have seen the torment one goes through when making that choice. It is not one I could ever consider. I can condemn the act.

dbackers wrote:
if someone believes and teaches in young women or young men's class that premarital sex is a normal part of growing up and encourages these kids to explore their sexuality, then that person has past the point of being a legitimate liberal Mormon and entered the realm of apostate thinking and action.

If anyone is teaching false doctrine they should be corrected and if unrepentant subject to appropriate Church discipline. That is a given. I do not get the connection between this comment and whether or not a person is liberal. Just because a person is more "liberal" thinking than some of the more conservative Church members it does not mean they are going to start teaching false doctrine now or ever.

And I STRONGLY disagree with the comment earlier in this thread that any member who is "liberal" does not have a testimony. I lean more toward some so-called liberal ideas BECAUSE I have a testimony. I believe in Christ and His teachings. I know the Church is His church and I follow the guidance of the prophets. I also believe that this Church is built upon choice. We are here on Earth to learn and to prove ourselves by making those choices that will help us to return home with honor. We must allow all people to have the opportunity to make their own choices in this life - good or bad - without coercion or condemnation. Anything less would be Lucifer's plan and we already rejected that one before we got here.

Reconcile Edited: alskann on 27th Jul, 2008 - 5:57am

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27th Jul, 2008 - 6:11am / Post ID: #

Liberal Mormon - Page 3

I was just stating that if someone teaches such doctrines under the auspices of liberalism then they have taken that liberalism to an extreme.

Of course it was an extreme example, but any philosophy taken to an extreme will run against truth and the precepts as set by the Lord.

I would say the same about literal interpretations or extreme conservatism in the Church. It also can be as dangerous as liberal interpretations and liberal thought in the Church.

The Examples I have used are typical "liberal" thoughts that have crept into todays Churches (not just the LDS). There are many examples of Churches accepting incorrect behavior and doctrines, even to the point of normalizing and celebrating these behaviors and doctrines. Such liberalism should not be an accepted part of any Church.
Some Liberalism however can be very beneficial to a Church, but as with anything extremes always end up destroying an institution.


Liberal or not there are certain beliefs that you have to ascribe to to be LDS/Mormon.

But where is the line between not being a Mormon and being a Liberal (one who wants change for changes sake) Mormon when it comes to doctrines that are on the fringe? I am just curious.

27th Jul, 2008 - 6:28am / Post ID: #

Liberal Mormon Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 3

QUOTE (dbackers @ 27-Jul 08, 1:11 AM)

But where is the line between not being a Mormon and being a Liberal (one who wants change for changes sake) Mormon when it comes to doctrines that are on the fringe?

Good question. I think it depends upon the issue and how it relates to Church Doctrine. If a member's belief system does not align with Church Doctrine then they are a member in name only. However, there are some issues that would be considered liberal or on the fringe by some and not by others. As long as a philosophy does not blatantly conflict with Doctrine I don't see is as a problem - unless it begins to lead down the road to apostasy.

I think we all know members who are certain anyone who drinks cola or eats chocolate is going to burn in hell. I would suggest that these same members are just as susceptible to hellfire for their judgmental attitude as I am for indulging in a nibble of Godiva while drinking my Diet Pepsi.

I think that line is going to be different for each individual. I may be able to discuss "liberal" philosophies while remaining firmly anchored by my testimony. Someone else may be more easily swayed as they have not yet solidified their faith and testimony.

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