Some like myself, are sensitive empaths, we feel things many times more then most, we tend to make decisions based on avoiding pain. We also feel others feelings as our own, many times stronger then others, then add in ADD and etc, and it gets even more complicated.
Besides all of this, more sensitive men, have much deeper feeling and issues going on; they are the most devoted and caring, if they find love and caring returned to them, .
This is hardly about simply being rejected, the man was rude, harassing and then when he couldn't get his way like a spoiled brat he went to far and brought the whole plane down.
I never heard the report, I was responding about myself and others like myself, whom I know, who are sensitive, more like a female; which I consider a far better thing then the male macho form.
I have seen those who are insecure and stalled at a 6 to 8 year old emotional developmental level; do to some trauma and or abusive upbringing; they seem to find satisfaction and feelings of security and empowerment in putting down and controlling others; my X was like that, so both sexes posses the ability to exhibit it.