I'd have to say a 3 sectional staff. Not only can you hit with it, but you can also use it to stop attacks. Holding either end of the staff, the middle section serves as a relatively good shield. Its easy to use, all you have to do is flail the ends about, and your sure to get a hit (that will definitely hurt).
My big fear with any of these weapons is that I'm not physically strong enough to do any damage with them. Any attacker worth his/her salt could get within my striking distance and just take it away from me, and then beat me to death with it...
If I had to choose one, it would be a sword -- as others have said, let me do as much damage as I can before they take me down!
But Roz, you can learn how to use some of the lighter weapons, such as a wakizashi. In fact, if you were to begin studying aikido, you would learn how to disarm someone wielding a knife, and possibly learn how to wield one yourself in defense.
It is also something you could study with your daughter, and she could learn how to defend herself in case she ever gets into a bad situation.
But that is the key to any sort of weapon, archaic or not. Training. A kitchen knife in the hands of someone with rudimentary training can be more lethal than a handgun in the hands of a complete novice. Simple training is pretty readily available from a lot of sources. And a woman who wants to be able to defend herself should get some of that training.
Now, going back to the real archaic weapons, a tonfa might be one that could be particularly useful within the home. Basically, modern police forces seem to have adopted the tonfa as the standard police baton because of its ease of use (and training) as well as its many uses.
I would love to employe the use of a large single handed battle axe due to it's sheer size and force it would either knock you off your feet or cleave through you due to it's weight. If going for speed I would do the eastern traditional dia- katana to duel wielded katana and wakazashi, though the dia- katana would be my initial weapon for moderate space combat the duel wielded katana and wakazashi would be better for closer combat.
I like the light weight after all few fights are just quick so the Japanese Wakizashi gets my vote. I want to live to fight another day so one hit death strokes so loved by the Japanese are not my choice. Give me a blade that is maneuverable. I slice ye up a bit and run. If the wound does not kill you right away the infections will!
Like Sensi says we are getting older we have to block block block and wait for the young hot headed to make a miss step and capitalize on it.
I was once at a re-enactment day in a local town.
There was a stall selling swords and armour, and the young were trying out different blades on a wooden dummy.
They marveled at the strength of the Norse and Saxon blades, swiping and cutting as they swung their arms in an open posture.
In the corner was a Spanish replica of a seventeenth century rapier.
As I picked it up, one Neo-Huscarl commented; "You wont get far with that toothpick son!" But he was silenced as I began to penetrate the dummy with swift lunges of the strong flexible blade. "I would wait for one of your swings" I said, "Then pick my spot, this point would hit you like a knife through butter".
He did not argue, I had seven hundred years of study and development on my side.