Name: Helper
Comments: Hi, Religion and Politics, Inseparable... So it does matter what Religion or Belief a person believes in, Especially if He or Her is in a Position of "POWER" In whatever level he may be serving in, I.E. Political or Military, Business, or even a "POLITICAL PARTY" Which brings to mind, ALL of You Voters out there should know that the "Politcal Party" You will be Voting for will decide what kind of "Lifestyle" Americans will be living in, MORAL OR AMORAL....Liberal or Conservative. See "WHICH" Interest Groups have Joined the "DEMOCRATIC PARTY"......Helper
Source1: My own observation
As I've previously made clear before, I hate it when Religion is brought into politics. But It is probably hard to take away when deciding certain things. And, your interpretation of religion (and I do mean Interpretation), is usually hard coded into your ideas. But, a religion having influence over your ideas isn't a bad thing. Yet, I haven't seen many politicians whom portray there ideological values very openly, to not use there religion to there advantage. Often times there are contradictions too. E.g: Same-sex marriage, they claim the government cannot influence a church by making it illegal to ban the said same-sex marriage. But yet it is okay to make it illegal for same sex marriage, which therefor has influence over such churches that do accept it.
But moving on. I believe Religion being separated from politics is indeed a plausible objective albeit hard for some, but it can be done. As simple as this (Only for America), when you govern people in a Republic, you don't control them, you merely enforce their liberties that have been defined in the constitution, both the national and federal constitutions. You try not too, at any means, to assert your religion onto the people, this is done by thinking how will this will effect crime rates, economy, and controversy. Do this without making the call of what you were taught in your religion. This is because, the people you influence out there in the world, are not always your religion.
Also, I personally think religion is a good thing, it teaches great moral duties and sometimes civic duties. But, it does have it's downfalls when used in politics. But, Morality doesn't come from Religion, but the principles behind these ideological ideas does influence the individuals morality. That being said, morality comes from age (Pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional moralities), and social upbringings, with which your parents define your blueprints that you build upon later in life. Edited: Rhieland on 22nd Oct, 2008 - 10:25pm
As I've previously made clear before, I hate it when Religion is brought into politics. |
Name: Aric
Comments: Jeez, I dont have a clue why any normal person with an open mind for society, looking at everyone's mental diction on religion, would think such oil and water would go together. Simply said, not everyone in a country follows the same religion or faith, so forcing swayed values on a nation is an oppressive unthoughtful method of getting your way. All views should be looked at, even I see that the spiritual values of religion can be positive but those should still stay in church and at home where you can rightful spread them through kindness and support through setting good examples. I'm 15 by the way.
Source 1: my heart my brain and my soul
Source 2: 4 years living in GA
I hate it when Religion is brought into politics |
You may hate it when Religion is brought into politics, but it is a legitimate form of expression, as well as constitutionally protected one at that. |
True religion, True politics, True science, ... They are all the same thing.
In the Book of Mormon, Government and Religion were not separated during the most righteous periods. However, no righteous government imposes beliefs on citizens. Agency, in my opinion, is an absolute(just remember agency is not devoid of consequences). God will not compel you. A government that is sanctioned by God will not compel your beliefs. But it will assert that Gods law is The law.
QUOTE (DouH) |
But it will assert that Gods law is The law. |