USA Environmental Laws
This Thread is about the Environmental Laws in USA.
In USA is there a right to life in place for animals, plants, etc.?
Does USA have strict laws in place to protect the environment?
Supreme Court to reconsider power plant pollution rules
Federal limits on mercury emissions from power plants, nearly 15 years in the making, will be reconsidered by the Supreme Court. The justices on Tuesday agreed to hear complaints from states and industry groups that these regulations on coal- and oil-fired utilities are too expansive and expensive. Ref. USAToday
Obama: Power plant rules will save lives
New regulations to curb greenhouse gas emissions from the nation's power plants will help slow the effects of climate change, President Obama said Monday. Obama's new Clean Power Plan will require power plants to reduce carbon emissions by 32% from 2005 levels between now and 2030. Ref. USAToday
Network governance connects people to solve collective environmental problems
Ecological systems, and ecological problems, are not nicely contained within neat human boundaries. 'Network governance' can help big, agency- and border-spanning conservation alliances govern themselves, researchers argue in a collection of articles exploring the life cycle of networks, plumbs examples in cities and wilderness, and examines community-based conservation within larger governance networks. Ref. Source 1o.
A 'carbon law' offers pathway to halve emissions every decade
On the eve of this year's Earth hour (March 25), researchers propose a solution in the journal Science for the global economy to rapidly reduce carbon emissions. The authors argue a carbon roadmap, driven by a simple rule of thumb or 'carbon law' of halving emissions every decade, could catalyze disruptive innovation. Ref. Source 9p.
We are already cutting our emissions and that's a good thing. The issue is the developing world, which I include China and India in, don't want to do this because it will impact their rapid growth and they need that growth to keep their citizens happy. This is especially so in the case of China.