Generally, as I've learned other places but now make my standard technique, as mentioned above, I read the first post, usually page, of a thread, might occasionally hit a page or two in between, then hit the last page or two of a thread, so I get a gist of if I even WANT to reply, and if so, what the progression of the topic has been, from first post to last, to see how I need to approach and address it. I tend to skim over a lot of things, as no doubt people tend to skim over mine, usually getting the salient points, but sometimes missing somewhat important things to be considered, and I tend to fully read shorter, more concise posts with good paragraph breaks and line breaks or white space, which is more inviting and courteous, to me.
I notice that from time to time members get confused by why we index certain subjects. I don't know why but I want to explain a bit. As I understand it, this community caters for ALL topics or every area in the world because the emphasis is on international discussions. Therefore if a subject does not exist we do our best to make sure it is part of the database so that hopefully someone who knows more about that topic can expand on it... Like a wiki of sorts.