As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?

As Citizen Biggest Concern You - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 13th Oct, 2017 - 7:45am

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Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

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As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?

Poll: Americans More Concerned About Health Care Costs Than Terrorism:

25 percent of Americans' report that health care costs are the biggest concern facing their family, versus unemployment, at 14 percent, and everyday bills, at 12 percent. Ref. Source 6x.

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Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 2:48am / Post ID: #

As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?
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You Concern Biggest The What Citizen US As

This country has provided me an excellent life. I had a great education and a job I loved for 22 years. I parlayed that experience into another great gig. My fear is my children won't have the same opportunities as me.

Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 3:49am / Post ID: #

As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?
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As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You? History & Civil Business Politics

Well first off Unemployment is much higher than 14%. I think a lot of Americans are worried about their health care right now. But that is not the major issue I believe. Right now I think more people are worried that if the two sides in America right now do not find some common ground and come together somewhat we will have a much larger issue on our hands. Far too many people and looking at the other side and placing all their blame on them. I think this is going to get much worse before it gets better and this great country we know of now is not going to be the same afterwards.

Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 4:50am / Post ID: #

As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?
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You Concern Biggest The What Citizen US As

The state of our industrial sector is what ultimately concerns me the most. We went from creating and exporting real goods, to mostly exporting the trade equivalent of hot air. We keep exporting our real jobs, and relying more and more on services that to be blunt, the world doesn't actually need.

Post Date: 9th Jul, 2017 - 12:51am / Post ID: #

You Concern Biggest The What Citizen US As

America's Embarrassment By Margaret Kimberley. The U.S. Ranks near the bottom when compared to other "Developed" nations in any measure of how it treats its people. Source 7t.

Post Date: 9th Jul, 2017 - 3:32am / Post ID: #

As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?
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As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?

This is a poor article. I was amused where she said his travel ban was islamaphobic and unconstitutional and was struck down by federal judges. Too bad the Supreme Court said it was pretty much constitutional. Last I checked they were the final arbiters of what is constitutional.

She went on to mention that three Americans a day die at the hands of the police. Too bad she doesn't differentiate between legitimate police action and crimes. The three a day on average that die at the hands of the police aren't being lined up and murdered. She states that republicans engage in voter suppression. It's amazing how a picture Id is required for almost anything but needing it to vote is suppressing minority votes. State ids are available for free or almost free everywhere. This is an opinion piece but I like when an author actually researches the subject matter and has something rational to say.

Reconcile Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Jul, 2017 - 3:35am

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Post Date: 9th Jul, 2017 - 7:37am / Post ID: #

As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?
A Friend

As US Citizen What The Biggest Concern You


You are spot on. Not only is this a poorly written article it is a hit piece. Facts are skewed or left out intentionally.

Post Date: 13th Oct, 2017 - 7:45am / Post ID: #

As A US Citizen What Is The Biggest Concern For You?
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As US Citizen What The Biggest Concern You Politics Business Civil & History

Let's assume that the poll is accurate; I have my doubts, but let us assume it is. Personally, I don't care what happens with healthcare. I'm young and healthy. There's no incentive for me to sign up for it and it's far cheaper to not apply. Since pre-existing conditions aren't a disqualification I can just defer away. Worst case scenario, I got to the ER. Is it the right thing to do? Not from a civic point of view, no - but I've got to do something, I'm the only source of income. No free child care, and expenses are piling up. I suppose that they could make healthcare affordable again, but I'd rather see the economy revitalized by bringing back industry and having a moratorium on immigration (Supply and demand relates to labor too).

We have got barely any real jobs left. A service economy cannot last - it's just shuffling around money, and it's ever diminishing in value.

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