I am very glad I came across this topic. I have been in college since the Fall of 1997 and have changed my major multiple times. I have a certificate in Web Page Design and an Associates Degree in English. I decided my passion was to definitely teach, but not because of the money nor the vacations. I want to teach because it is a job I firmly believe in.
Our children (I do not have any yet, but hope to one day) are our future and if we are not willing to teach them, then what kind of providers and leaders will they be? I am speaking of the USA and other countries too. I am now attending college to get my Bachelors in Elementary Education. I realize now that some of us are just simply meant to help the younger generations become the best that they can be.
I was always told that if I wanted to be a teacher, not to become one in this state. However, I recently found out that within the last few years, the salary has come up 3 or 4 thousand dollars for beginning teachers.
I have also found that teaching is a good way to explore your own thoughts, experiences, beliefs, etc.
I've been applying to the Education faculty for a couple of years. I think it depends on where you apply, because my university refuses to let me in. It is supremely frustrating, because I know I can do the work if they simply accept me into the program. I'm so frustrated because I have to wait a full year to apply again. And I am very qualified.
I intend to go on Monday to find out specifically why I was rejected. From what I heard, they were looking for male teachers more actively than females. Which means that I should have been given favourable access. But I wasn't.
Chances are that I'll leave and go somewhere else.
Yeah, I've become cynical about their choices. They let kids who come in from high school straight into the program but if you're trying to apply after being in University for a year or two, they are very stingy about acceptance. I've heard of people getting degrees they didn't want or working for a year to get more experience, in the vain hope that they would get in the next time they applied.