You know what a cursor is right? It is the little arrow 'thingy' that your mouse uses to point to stuff. Ok, after that technical explanation can you tell us what you use as your PC cursor and why?
I just use the standard cursor. When I first started using PCs I used to use cute little cursors, but now I don't bother. To me, a cursor is just a tool. It doesn't matter how it looks. In addition, I find that some of the customized cursors can be hard to work with. Precision as to exactly where you are pointing with them before clicking isn't always easy.
I've had the fancy cursors, and animated cursors, etc. But I prefer the standard, default arrow because, as Tenaheff noted, it's more precise than others I've used... The one I enjoyed the most was an arrow that flashed rainbow colors But it would drag, skip, and sometimes just disappear altogether. Probably a graphics card issue, but not one I was willing to fiddle with.
I just use the standard arrow. I used to have all these different types of downloaded cursors, but my computer got too old to handle them. I used to use the little mouse, and when a page was loading, it would turn into a piece of cheese.