In this movie, directed by Milos Forman, the story of Mozart is told in a twisted way. The movie is narrated by Salieri, a musician who was in competition with Mozart.
Mozart is depicted as a monster - he is perverse, and he has a wicked and annoying laughter. That exaggeration may be a result of the narrator's biased view of the story. Salieri has astounding monologues detailing his conflicts when he saw Mozart's character and heard his amazing compositions.
I highly recommend the movie, whether you are a music lover or not.
Rated: PG
Rating: 4
I love Mozart! Out of seven years of playing clarinet and doing solos, five of those seven years I did a Mozart piece. I wanted to see the movie anyways, and I ended up having to watch it for my Music Appreciation class in high school, and I adored it. It was so funny, but then it had it's dramatic serious moment. The laugh is one of the most memorable things about the movie. It's annoying, but a person can't help but love it. If you haven't seen it, I definately recommend it.