Even though we might look at jails and think they are too nice, in fact, these people have lost something very dear to all of us...their freedom. They don't decide when or what to eat. They don't decide when to shower or how often. Their lives are very much controlled by others. Most importantly, they do not have the freedom to leave when they want.
One major problem with the prisons is that they are populated by criminals. So, when you put a bunch of like minded people together, rather than reform many of them, they are given the opportunity to hone their craft.
However, I know of no better alternative that has worked.
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
I dont think our criminial justice system works for the public at all you get a criminial stick him in prison for 10 years and let him out in 3 on parole well all that tells me is that I can do anything I want just about and not have to worry about serving a full sentence so no I do not agree with prisons
Shadowlord, your complaint doesn't really explain why you don't think prison works. Your complaint seems to be more that we don't keep people in jail for the length of their sentence. So, what if a sentence of 10 years in jail meant exactly that, 10 years in jail. Eliminate parole. Then do you think prison is the answer? Or, do you think there is a better method to deal with criminals?
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
The laws need to be reformed, not the prisons. |
they have a roof over their head, cable television, and three meals a day. |
One of my instructors in Basic Law Enforcement Training (rookie school) said that most crimes were committed by repeat offenders. This was almost 10 years ago. I have seen other studies confirming that comment.
Since then, I understand that some of the sentencing has become more strict and criminals are spending longer portions of there sentence. I think this is one reason that crime rates in many areas have dropped over that same period of time.
I like the idea of "three strikes and your out" sentencing that gives life or very long sentences to people that are convicted of three or more felonies. This gives someone chances to learn to live by the rules that they apparently didn't learn growing up. If they haven't learned by the third time, do you honestly think they have much chance of being "rehabilitated"?
The best place to start prevention is in the home at an extremely young age, the next in the schools, but once criminal behavior is commonplace in one's life, it is very difficult for someone to change. Crime has become a very bad habit. These people have shown that they cannot be trusted in society and currently the most acceptable alternative is prison.
"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons". - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), Russian novelist
I think that laws need to be reworked. I totally agree that major criminals should NOT be released to make room for small time criminals. I don't agree with the 'Three strikes and your out' policy. I understand that greater punishments should be given to repeat criminals, but having your judgment based on a sport (Baseball) is iffy at best. Keep in mind that there are companies that make, a lot, of money, to KEEP prisoners in prison.
As for entertainment, I feel that the only form for criminals is educational. This should include job education, keep in mind that 10 years in like 100 years in the information age. Think of all the things that has come out, or has improved, in the last 10 years, like cell phones, internet, and various jobs, like graphic designer, etc.
There are some crimes, that no matter how much the criminal has stopped being bad, and became a good 'law abiding' citizen, he should still pay for his crimes, like murder or rape, I still feel that just throwing away the key is not a very good solution, what I feel is better, is to take him to different cities to talk to high risk teens, and to low level criminals.
In America, the justice system is too criminal friendly. The rights of victims are being overlooked for the rights of criminals? It is messed up. How can a thief sue his victim for breaking his leg while robbing? There are sometimes conflicting rights, like free speech, and freedom from slander.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 6 0.6%