Dating A Tomboy

Dating Tomboy - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 9th May, 2013 - 6:41pm

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Post Date: 12th May, 2011 - 4:24am / Post ID: #

Dating A Tomboy

Dating A Tomboy

Name: Guchol

Comments: I like this girl who sometimes behave like a tomboy. I kind of like that she doesn't have to be so 'girly' all the time so she can handle stuff just like the boys but what risks are there in dating a tomboy, am I looking for trouble?

Dating A Tomboy
Dating A Tomboy (Hover)

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12th May, 2011 - 1:35pm / Post ID: #

Tomboy Dating

I don't think you're looking for trouble however keep in mind that she may not want to do some of the "girlie" stuff you may expect from a girlfriend. As long as you're comfortable with that, then is all good. smile.gif

26th Mar, 2013 - 9:29pm / Post ID: #

Dating A Tomboy Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Some guys like this if the girl can compose herself and be a lady when she has to. In other words she can be rough and tumble but in a restaurant she is all the lady she can be.

Post Date: 27th Mar, 2013 - 2:21am / Post ID: #

Dating A Tomboy
A Friend

Tomboy Dating

Find out what she likes to do and plan your dates around that. You may find out that you both have some of the same likes and you can have a more relaxing time enjoying thos activities. Dating a tomboy can be very rewarding at times.

27th Mar, 2013 - 7:01am / Post ID: #

Tomboy Dating

Lot of wisdom in both the recent posts, in my opinion. A tomboy can do an excellent partner, specially if you are not a fishnet stockings fanatic. Usually, a boyish girl tends to see life in a way that is more similar to our own way which could help you guys find common interests more easily.
From my point of view, as Fair already remarked, the important thing is that she still knows how to be a woman in situations that require it like, for example, official events or dinner out with your boss. It would be very embarassing to have her dressed in sneakers and white training socks when you wear a suit with tie and everything...

28th Mar, 2013 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #

Dating A Tomboy

Tomboys are totally cool at least they're like way better than a girlie girl that's squeamish about everything and fusses for nothing rolleyes.gif that is so irritating.

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Post Date: 9th May, 2013 - 6:41pm / Post ID: #

Dating A Tomboy
A Friend

Dating Tomboy

Tomboys are great! I exclusively date them. It is so refreshing to be with someone who likes to do the same activities that I do.

Overall, a tomboy is just another kind of partner. There is nothing about being a tomboy that is inherently good or bad for a relationship. Tomboy doesn't equal uncaring or sloven. Tomboy is just a way to describe their general manner, hobby interests, and affectations. A tomboy can have the same manners as other more traditionally feminine girls.

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