Even More!
Just when you thought I was done... I added about 20 new games and have scheduled to add about 20 more later today. I am not sure if I need yet another category to fit them all in as the current categories are filed to the max.
New Cosmetic Updates
1. Now you can see all the avatars of the Top 16 Arcaders
2. The text for each Top Arcader is a little more positive
3. Removed a lot of the Drug related quotes for something simpler.
4. The winner of individual games is emphasized.
5. Corrected some other minor errors.
Profile Arcade Crowns
I'm your Profile it normally shows how many Arcade Crowns you have, but if you have 100+ like I do then it takes forever to load. What I've done is made so that if you have more than 20+ Arcade Crowns then it will just display the number of crowns you have. This will lead to faster loading Profiles.
Arcade Reset
The Arcade has for a long time been keeping top scores of Members that have not even been here in awhile. I just reset all scores to ZERO. What does this mean fr you? It means that every game is available and open for new scores therefore allowing you to be the current Champion of an Arcade game or better yet overall Champion.
Go have fun: Source 9
Forum Arcade Open Again!
We did some renovations, cleared up the code a bit and put back all the games you loved. Now that everything is reset it is your chance to get your name up in 'lights'. Games that you win will also be shown in your Profile.