First of all, this means no disrespect to our USA members, this is merely to address an issue that I feel is important from the stand point of those outside of the US. Recently I was watching the news and was surprised to find that the US believes that anyone that contributes to terrorism wether knowingly or not can be taken into US military prison for an indefinite period without rights. It was so ridiculous to hear that a lawyer in a court proposed that if a 90 year old woman signed a check to a charitable organization not knowing that they were a underground terrorist group that she could also be sent to a military prison for an indefinite period! This is purely ridiculous and will make everyone hate the US even more. As a non-US citizen do you feel that the US is a sudden enemy to what you may wish to do with your own money and life?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
Although this question is asked of non U.S. citizens, I have to answer.
The lawyer's statement - if we begin to mentally consume what lawyers say - is hypothetical. First of all I am sure no covert, in the dark, operatives are going to come snatch someone out of their house and put them in military prison; I would guess that someone would come and ask what their affiliation was and if they knew of the group. Secondly, a 90 year old woman, I am in disbelief that you let this be a good example.
In the United States we have many rights. Some of those rights became a little tighter after September 11th, but believe me, the people of the United States would not put up with losing their rights. In fact, think about how many countries do not even come close to having the right to assemble in public, to carry weapons, and the lost list of bill of rights that I won't list.
As far as the world hating us, we get it. You can't be hated and worry about being hated more, can you? As a nation we give more on a continual basis to so many countries - I have been involved in this during my military years with our aid to Africa. When disaster strikes, such as earthquakes and such, our teams are sent immediately to help in recovery. And the list goes on.
No disrespect taken. Plus I would like to say as an American, we would all love to be liked by other nations. But since we are not our travels overseas become less delightful or even desired. Thank goodness Australia is still our friends.
The U.S. rocks.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 14 1.4%
90 year old woman, I am in disbelief that you let this be a good example. |
the people of the United States would not put up with losing their rights. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
Actually, there are protections of non-citizen rights. At the same time, we see that a lot of non-citizens, even non-legal residents, seem to think that they are entitled to ALL the rights, ALL the entitlements, ALL the protections designed expressly for citizens and legal resident aliens.
As far as I know, the laws and rules about terrorists are designed to deal primarily with combatants and organized supporters of terrorism. There are a lot of hypothetical situations that lawyers and activists throw around, trying to scare people into trying to eliminate the USA PATRIOT ACT and other laws.
There is NO evidence that I have heard of indicating any of the abuses that activists so like to claim. There have been some terrorist sympathizers who have been arrested, and some have been deported. These have been people who run the "charities", who take the money from 90-year-old women and route them to Hezbollah and Hamas. One of these men was the imam at a mosque about two miles from my house. Another was a former leader at CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations). These men knowingly, purposely supported terrorist activities against innocent people. They also taught and supported overt racial principles.
As Narrock pointed out, lawyers make a lot of wild claims when they are trying to have a law overturned. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they aren't. Sometimes (many times) they are using a lot of BS.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
I heard the news and I heard the lawyer and I found it to be ridiculous. Right now, there are thousands of US citizens who are not aware that their money is going towards terrorism activities, they are hard work people like any of us who have a good heart and they want to help the needy and the afflicted but they do not know their money is being used for that purpose...how can someone be so ignorant and put them to jail if they did not know about it???? come on! let's use some common sense here....there should be a investigation obviously but I think some people have reached the point of stupidity rather than security.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
As a US citizen I would say no US citizen should ever be subjected to this without positive proof and the Country should be friendly to the US officials. The double standard is I also think it is OK for us to grab up people suspected of acts of terrorism against the US with minimal proof. Just being honest, I know it is unfair and a lot of non us citizens will read this and flip. Sorry but that is my feelings on it. As for money going to charities that are contributing to terrorist acts, it is unfortunate but we have to cover all leads and bases. If it were your country with the burden of protector you would feel the same way I think. 9 to 90 crippled, blind or crazy if they play they need to pay!