The Ideal Age

The Ideal Age - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 22nd May, 2005 - 1:56am

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4th Dec, 2004 - 7:28pm / Post ID: #

The Ideal Age

When people are old, they often wish they would have looked younger. Teenagers, though, often wish they would look older, or more mature. Do you think there is an ideal age somewhere in the middle. That is, is there an age when you were the must happy when you were told you were exactly that age, no less and no more? Or is it just human nature to want to be someone they're not?

Take into consideration the following:

  • Beauty - at what age are you the most beautiful?
  • Wisdom - Is there an age when you know the most about the secrets of the world? In older times, the oldest men were considered the smartest and were usually listened to for advice. Today, though, it's probably middle aged businessmen. What do you think?
  • Money - at what age are you the most rich?
  • happiness - are you the most happy when you're a baby, not having to worry about a thing, or when you're grown, married, and have children?

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4th Dec, 2004 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #

Age Ideal The

I don't know if there is such a thing as an ideal age. When I was younger, ie a teenager, I had more energy, less responsibilities and less stress. However I had no money and was lonely. Now I have a good job, so I have more money, but also more responsibilities and more stress. I am however very happy with my family, I have 2 wonderful kids and good friends. I suspect when I am older, I will have amassed more money hopefully and my kids will be grown, but I would be more susceptible to health problems, etc. There are pros and cons to every stage of life; its just a matter of taking advantage of the pros when you have the chance to do so.

Post Date: 5th Dec, 2004 - 8:32pm / Post ID: #

The Ideal Age
A Friend

The Ideal Age Health & Special Psychology

I would imagine that the "ideal" age would always be the age a person is not. It goes with that saying "The grass is greener on the other side." When we're young, most of us cannot wait to be older. When we're ten, we can't wait to be thirteen because then we'll be a teenager. When we're thirteen, we want to be sixteen so we can drive. When we're sixteen, we want to be eighteen because then we're a legal adult. But, from my understanding, a lot of people, when they get into their older years, wish they were younger again.

Post Date: 5th Dec, 2004 - 8:56pm / Post ID: #

The Ideal Age
A Friend

Age Ideal The

I don't think there is such thing as an ideal age. I haven't yet experience the life yet since i'm only 16 but for now I think I didn't have much problems. Sure time of teenagers is full of dissapointments and such things but that's just the way it is. I think that if you convince yourself that everything is ok any age is ideal just as long as you make it ideal for your situation.

5th Dec, 2004 - 11:59pm / Post ID: #

Age Ideal The

I was quite surprised when I asked my father (49) what his ideal age was. He said that, even when he was twenty years old, and younger, he longed to be fourty, since that's the age when you are well settled and respected, according to his words.

I actually am happy with my age, and I don't remember an age where I wished to be of another age. But that's me - I live for the moment. I guess it all depends on your personality, when it comes down to that.

Reconcile Edited: Smudge on 6th Dec, 2004 - 12:00am

6th Dec, 2004 - 12:25am / Post ID: #

The Ideal Age

Every age has great moments and others not so great. So I don't think there is such a thing as an ideal age. I am in my latest 20's and I'm cool about it but I do have to confess that sometimes...just sometimes...would like to be around 5 years old all over again. smile.gif

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Post Date: 6th Dec, 2004 - 12:53pm / Post ID: #

The Ideal Age
A Friend

The Ideal Age

I do not think the age is so important... there may be a period when you would be really happy and you can say that is the best age but the fact is age has nothing to do with your happiness (in this case) The best age is where you feel better in your skin then usually for some of us may be childhood for others mid 30...

Post Date: 22nd May, 2005 - 1:56am / Post ID: #

The Ideal Age
A Friend

The Ideal Age Psychology Special & Health

I believe that the old want to be young and the young want to be old. I myself am twenty-two with two kids and I long to be older. I think that the only Ideal age is when your either two young or two old to know whats going on. I would rather just try to enjoy every year and every age I am lucky enough to reach. Every year for me is that much more I have been through. Whenever I have been through it all then I can say I think I am at the perfect age.

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