This thread is not the same as 'Uptime Or Downtime?' also located in this board. The topic at hand focuses on when the site is up and functional but because of your POP (Point of Presence or location) and / or firewall / filter program you cannot access this site. Sometimes two users chat online via an IM one says they can use the community perfectly while the other claims to not be able to.
The Architect has recently had two issues with this:
1. A user claimed his filter program would not let him access this site.
2. A user in a certain local area in Florida could not access it because of their ISP
How about you? Have you ever had any problems like those described above?
There have been times at work where our intranet became extremely flooded and I was unable to access the site through the firewall. I knew later on that the site was fine because there were posts during that time frame.
I had this problem before that I couldn't access the site, but usually, after I restart the computer, it always works. It isn't much of a problem for me, though on other forums I had many failed connections like that that lasted for days.
The only problem I have is that the PC at home continually drops the wireless connection to the internet. It is either the NIC or the Firewall. I bought a new NIC months ago, but haven't gotten around to installing it.