Many disabled veterans do not look disabled but a lot of stuff is hard to see unless you get to know them. Others are hard to miss due to missing limbs or scars on their bodies. I think the VA takes better care of those who are more physically handicapped than others. That way they feel they look better by showing the public what they are doing for those veterans who are missing limbs or are paralyzed.
It's a disgrace the way veterans are treated. The care needs to be improved. They laid it on the line for us and we owe them much better than the status quo. I hope this is something that Trump promised that he will follow through on.
I went to the VA a week ago for a reevaluation and the doctor I was supposed to see wasn't there. They never called. It took me an hour to get there. They just shrugged it off. I went to senior administration and complained and then sent emails to even more senior administration. I'll see what comes of this.
They have no reason to provide good customer care. We are a captured clientele and they are government employees with tenure.
Yes and those in charge who also have tenure cook the books so that they can say the veteran was seen in a timely basis and that they do not make anyone wait. This way they can get their $10,000 a month bonus to make them look good. I would love to see a independent actual study be done where they talk to and follow the actual veterans and how long it takes instead of sitting at the VA hospital trying to get to see the books and taking to just a few vets. I bet a much cleared picture would emerge if the VA had no clue they were doing it.