President Barack Obama paid tribute to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. On the 50th anniversary of his "I Have a Dream" Speech," Saying King's "Words belong to the ages."
"He gave mighty voice to the quiet hopes of millions," Obama said on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Ref. CNN
50 years after King's assassination, 'his spirit has been awakened in this new generation'. Thousands of admirers of Martin Luther King Jr. Gathered at his memorial in Washington on Wednesday to mark 50 years since the assassination of the civil rights leader whose simple message of non-violence continues to resonate across racial and religious divides in a nation still grappling with complex racial issues. The prayer walk and rally amid the cherry blossoms and under cloudy skies was one of dozens of commemorations planned nationwide to pay homage to King, who was shot just after 6 p.m. CT on April 4, 1968. Ref. USAToday.