If the law doesn't forbid perpatrators of sexual assaults to live in the victim's area there's little this woman can do, I fear. I understand that seeing the man that raped her walking down the street can be very disturbing but, as long as it is legal, I see no solution to it.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 6 0.6%
After eight years, rape victim 'needs to get over it'
An Invercargill man convicted of raping a woman in 2004 is angry she was upset by his appearance outside her house on Sunday and says what happened is in the past and she needs to get over what happened. Ref. Source 2
Now this is gross. This man wasted a good chance to just shut up. If I can agree that, as long as it is legal, he didn't do anything wrong just walking in the same street where his former victim lives, stating that a rape is something that belongs to the past and the victim should go over it is too much. A rape is a traumatizing event that will change forever the life of the abused person. This guy should really reconsider his personal views about what is acceptable and what is not in a civilized community.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 6 0.6%
How do you get over rape? You never get over it you just learn to manage it, but the act, the memory of it... Stays with you. Who does he think he is? I want to see him talk that way if he was the victim.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 5 0.5%