If each of us contributes what he has left, assuming Kron and Maicman purchase what they wanted (and I have done the math correctly) we'll have 159, which is enough for three horses or 1 and a wagon and some left for food. Of course, Kron and Tenaheff could convert some more FPs to GPs to get us a horse each, but that would be even more unfair.
Well, my understanding of our mission leads me to believe the element of surprise might be extremely helpful. I don't see how a wagon allows us that. However, I am willing to go with the majority and will purchase the horse 52 gp, an oats bag 4 gp and 5 days oat rations 5 gp. That leaves me with 6 gp.
I could cash in fp for gp to get a wagon, but I am not sure I want to be the only one paying for all this. Does anyone else have any fp that they too can cash in? If I am buying the horse and his rations, that is costing me 60 gp, I really don't want to spend another 100 on my own.
One thing, though, he asked where our horses or wagon not horses and wagon, so it isn't necessarily true we need a wagon so much as something. I do agree we probably can't really purchase horses for everyone.
Are we only three? I though we had 5?
I am a teamster so I probably should be the one driving the wagon.
Edited: tenaheff on 9th Jan, 2005 - 10:53pm
Malexander has 50 FPs remaining, Maicman 9 I think, and Ambria 34. That's a total of 93. I have 0. Maybe you will buy one lessoats rations and then (if possible) we can combine GPs to buy the wagon?
About the element of surprise, I don't believe we'll be using the wagon all journey long. We can go on foot when we now we are close to our destination.
Ice, from what the game admin has stated in Party Order, you may want to sell some of what you have unless you plan on bringing it all with you. The game admin has asked that we not state what we will leave and what we will bring since it is more work for him than needed. Since you will get full price for what you sell, you should have a bit of GP from it. Let me know what you wish to sell if anything, and I will post in party order. If you wish to carry everything, then also let me know.
As for the horse and wagon issue, I will use 50 GP of what I have left to contribute to the purchase of horse and wagon. It costs 90 FP to change 100FP to 25GP which means one will need 190FP to get 25GP. At the moment I have a little over 200FP myself. There are 4 of us who are warriors and one a thief. That means we will need at least 4 horses, one for each warrior. Kiana would be able to ride with one of us. That is 52 GP for each horse. While the wagon may not have the element of surprise, I don't think we can afford 4 horses at the moment. If you have already bought the horse Ice, then my 50 with Maicman's 9 and Ambria's 25 makes 84GP. Can you pitch in another 16GP Ice? If you sell some stuff then that may help. We can also agree that if we come across GP on our journey, you will get the lion share for your contributions now. Agreed?
No, Malexander - I guess JB changed the price from 100 to 90 without changing the description. You will not need the extra 100 so it's only 90 --> 25
I guess I'll carry my clothes with me since we'll be in a large wagon.
Also - Ambria has 34 not 25, she had 9 left from the initial 40
Edited: Smudge on 10th Jan, 2005 - 3:53am
I see both side of the horse issue. We are very slack on GP and probably could not afford to keep up with more than one horse.
The wagon and horse would be a bit more on the clunky side, and we would not be able to move with much stealth while travelling from place to place in it. If we were to purchase some mode of transportation, that would be the most logical, financially.
Another thing to think about is, what if the tables turn? What if, instead of us doing the surprising, we're surprised? What is a group of bandits take us by surprise? Would we rather be on foot, in a wagon where at least we would have coverage for a short period, or a few horses that would leave us in the open, but would be quicker to escape?
I will sell the following:
Bird Cage 1 gp
1 leather backpack 13 gp - I have two so this will leave me with one
healers pouch 2 gp
pouch belt 1 gp
scroll, ink, feather case 2 gp
2 skins of ale ( I don't know what I can get for those)
This gives me 19 GP, plus whatever else I get for the skins of ale. Take what you need. I want ownership of the horse so no need to pay me back for that. As far as the wagon, I am not contributing the majority here so whoever wants it, should pay the rest of us back for it when GP is found or acquired. The will be able to get their gp back at the end of the scenario (if the survive) by selling it if they want.
I think we need to go with the wagon and one horse plan because I can't see my way to buying horses for everyone. As Ambria has already pointed out, we can use it for shelter if need be in battle. It will limit where we can travel though, because we will need to stay on well traveled paths. In bad weather we are likely to get stuck in the mud too. However, I see no better plan.
Edited: tenaheff on 10th Jan, 2005 - 11:59am