I read about it in the most popular national newspaper from Argentina. The title was "Mormon Bishop arrested for sexual abuse to a minor". When I read the article I could not believe it's a Bishop in my own stake back in Argentina and someone I know very well. He sexually abused a 9 year old girl in the chapel and another girl (11 years old) who used to go to the Church also accused him of the same charges. His step-daughter who is now 23, also testified against him.
I was shocked and extremely dissapointed...
That's too bad. Sometimes we think that Bishops and Stake Presidents are more righeous than other members and it shocks us when we hear of things like this. But they are human just as we are and are doing their best to overcome their own weaknesses and are not perfect.
What newspaper did you read it in? I checked both El Clarin and La Nacion but did not see it.
Well, personally I do not think Bishops or Stake Presidents as 'more righteous' than other members, I'm not surprised because of that but what it is shocking to me is that I know this person very well...
Here is the link for Clarin's article. It was printed it yesterday:
This just goes to show that members and leaders in the Church are never immune to temptation, no matter what positions they hold or how strong they believe their testimonies are. We cannot let down our guard, or we may be overcome. It is a gospel of constant maintenance. What a sad story!
Howe, you're so right. That's why when someone makes a statement about someone and they back it up saying 'Oh but he is a Bishop you know' I want to say 'so what? it's human like any of us'. It does not make him indestructible and how the world have become, these men are facing so many issues...I feel very sorry for his victims (who by the way were abused in Church), I feel very sorry for him and his wife of 15 years....
Sadly, it's not an isolated incident. I've heard similar stories recently regarding a Stake President, a few Bishops and even a Stake Patriarch. Here is more infomon the incident with the Bishop in Argentina:
Thank you so much for the link gaucho. I'm shocked that he has been abusing this little girl for at least 2 years...did anyone see anything besides her brother????. I wonder if in the future somehow the Church would put regulations regards to children coming alone to the Church with their brothers and sisters....
I think that besides necessary private interviews, bishops should work by the rule that they are not to be alone in a room or in the building with minors or members of the opposite sex. I believe that full-time CES employees have that rule. I know that as a missionary, that rule was always at the forefront of my mind, because things can get out of hand very quickly.