Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races

Santa Claus Portrayed Races - Christmas - Posted: 20th Dec, 2013 - 12:34pm

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Best of  Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races Black Santa Claus, Asian Santa Claus, etc. The evolution of Santa Calus. Is Santa Claus only supposed to be represented by a White bearded man?
Post Date: 17th Dec, 2004 - 10:52pm / Post ID: #

Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races

Humans are creatures of habit and become accustomed with commonality. Most common are the pictures of a caucasian looking old St. Nicholas who many believe was once born out of Russia, or was it the North Pole? Many times you will see a person dressed as Santa Claus and they are either of African, Middle Eastern or other race. Other times you might see a woman dressed to play the part or even a dwarf. What about a slim or extremely tall Santa? The point of this thread is to ask... Do you feel uncomfortable, unsettled, or cheated if you hired a Santa to come to your children's party only to find out Santa is Black, Asian, Woman, Dwarf, or some other personage different from what most perceive as the 'typical' Santa Claus?

Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races
Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races (Hover)

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17th Dec, 2004 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

Races Other Portrayed Claus Santa

Uncomfortable?. Not at all.
Here in Trinidad most of the population is African descendant and most of the Santa Claus I have seen so far are black people, some choose to paint their faces of white (which I find to be not only very fake but also silly if you ask me). What's wrong with a black Santa?. I know it does not fit the 'typical' image that most people have about Santa but hey what do you do in a Caribbean island where only 2% of the population is white?.

18th Dec, 2004 - 12:49am / Post ID: #

Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races Christmas

I have a question - how do you explain that the Santa you have at the party, or in a department store, doesn't look like the Santa you see in all the TV shows and movies, since that Santa is always white? I think, I would be unhappy because I don't know how I would explain this obvious difference.

18th Dec, 2004 - 12:59am / Post ID: #

Races Other Portrayed Claus Santa

how do you explain that the Santa you have at the party, or in a department store, doesn't look like the Santa you see in all the TV shows and movies, since that Santa is always white?

laugh.gif you're something else....I was giving it more thought about it and if I have to hire a Santa and the guy that comes is a short one, or very tall and skinny or a woman or someone from other race, I would somehow feel kind of like...."Do I have to pay for it?" not to mention answering questions like "I thought Santa was from the North Pole and he was white"....then I would have to say "Well, you see dear...Santa is magical, he can also change looks!" hmmmmm....Would they believe me? hmmmmm

18th Dec, 2004 - 3:20am / Post ID: #

Races Other Portrayed Claus Santa

I would have a hard time with a Santa who is not white, tall and chubby, especially if I were paying for this person for a party, etc. It is not that I am discriminating against other types of folks, but Santa for me has always been depicted as this type of person.

Rather off topic, but...

Sort of on the same topic, I saw a news story today about a Nativity Scene in England, that featured wax statues of celebrities. Mary and Joseph were depicted as David Beckham and Posh Spice, George W Bush was one of the shepherd and Samuel L Jackson was another. It drew a lot of controversy and there has been talks of pulling the scene altogether.

Post Date: 18th Dec, 2004 - 7:12am / Post ID: #

Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races
A Friend

Santa Claus Portrayed By Other Races

QUOTE (tenaheff @ 17-Dec 04, 5:49 PM)
I have a question - how do you explain that the Santa you have at the party, or in a department store, doesn't look like the Santa you see in all the TV shows and movies.

My parents told us that all those different looking Santa's at nearly every corner and in EVERY department store were just Santa's helpers. They dressed like him because they were representing him.

By the way Malexander, Santa is not tall, he is short. It is just that he is taller than all of his elves!!!

It wouldn't bother me a bit to see Santa's in every race that there is on Earth. After all he is not a real person. He is a representation of Selfless Giving. Sometimes people are just too hung up on *Political Correct-ness*. Life is just too short for that nonsense.!!

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18th Dec, 2004 - 12:20pm / Post ID: #

Santa Claus Portrayed Other Races

My parents told us that all those different looking Santa's at nearly every corner and in EVERY department store were just Santa's helpers. They dressed like him because they were representing him.

That is a very good point. My parents used to tell me that as well. I forgot that for a moment.

Now, the only problem I see is this...I took my grandson to the Mall to see Santa. He actually asked me if this were the real Santa or one of his helpers. I told him it was the real Santa. If I told him it was one of Santa's helpers would that be less fun for him? I use the Santa's helpers line to explain how Santa can be at the Mall and another store at the same time. However, he still wants the Santa he goes to visit to be the real one and let the helpers be at the other stores. laugh.gif

Now, if I lived in an environment such as Trinidad, I would have to use the Santa's helpers line, and he would have no choice, I guess, but to visit with one of Santa's helpers rather than the real Santa, but would there be any disappointment? I don't know since I have never faced it personally.

Also, since I am caucasion, I might feel different if I were not. Perhaps if I were black, I would be proud that Santa was black or if I were asian, I might prefer an asian Santa. I imagine in Japan, that most Santas are Japanese...

Where do we get these questions!!! laugh.gif

Wait, I just reread LDS's comment!

....then I would have to say "Well, you see dear...Santa is magical, he can also change looks!" hmmmmm....

I think this is probably the best answer. I think a young child will believe anything you tell them about Santa. They trust their parents, and, in fact, most adults implicitly.

I always told my son, and now my grandson, that parents have to pay Santa, now, to help with the costs of making the toys because there are so many more people in the world than there was in the "old" days. This helps explain why they can't always get everything they want, or even just that one special thing if it is too much money. It also explains why there are some kids who don't get much for Christmas or need help from others to help them get anything at Christmas.

In fact, I bought a gift for a Secret Santa exchange at Church. My grandson saw it, and that is how I explained it to him, just yesterday. He wanted to know who the child was, but I just told him I didn't know. Anyway, I think LDS has the perfect answer to this because then it isn't a Santa's helper, but the real Santa, no matter what he looks like and the child doesn't have to be disappointed.

However, I definately feel Santa must be a man, not a women...

Reconcile Edited: tenaheff on 18th Dec, 2004 - 12:30pm

Post Date: 20th Dec, 2013 - 12:34pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Santa Claus Portrayed Other Races Christmas

Santa Claus continues to evolve as holiday season nears

Santa Claus is making headlines, as writers weigh-in on his evolution and how he fits in to current culture. Ref. Source 8

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