Office Space (1999) is a movie based around the central character of Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston) who is a software programmer for an IT company. For anyone who has ever worked for an IT company or worked in a cubicle setting, this movie is for you. The entire movie is a satire of such a work environment, which made it so funny for me, because I could relate to the story and characters. Some other notable actors in the movie are Peter's love interest Joanna (Jennifer Aniston) and Gary Cole (Peter Lumbergh). If anyone is familiar with the MadTV comedy show, there are some comedians from that series who are also prominent in the movie such as David Herman and Orlando Jones.
I have to admit, the first time I watched the movie, I didnt find it particularly funny, until I watched it again, then again, and again. Every time I rewatch it I find something I missed before, and it becomes even funnier. If you've seen, let me know what you thought about the movie, otherwise, give it a try. You'll enjoy it!
I love that movie and not because I can relate and not even for the great humor but fir the different perspective that offer ....