First of all... let us be honest here... do not just jump and answer...
When something happens in your family or work place that is wrong, that is indirectly caused by you but not necessarily initiated or directly caused by you, what do you normally do as a first reaction...
2. Blame someone else
Choose ONE... it is either you take blame or look for someone to blame, it can't be tossed into the air
I don't do either. I choose to SHARE in the blame. I am more than willing to acknowledge my part in whatever happened, but I don't like taking the blame for someone else's error. The exception for this is if someone works for me. I am responsible for their errors as well as mine. In that case, I will take the blame publicly, and work with the employee privately to prevent it from happening again.
Edited: tenaheff on 6th Apr, 2004 - 6:26pm
I take the blame. I've worked with people before who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and deny any involvement whatsoever, happily point the finger at someone else, and that infuriates me. So if it's caused by me, even indirectly, I get it out in the open, apologize, correct it if it needs it, and move on. If anyone else is involved, they know their part in it, and I don't need to remind them by saying, "Yeah, it was my fault...BUT so-and-so did this and that so it's her fault too!!!" Forget that. Just handle it and move on.
I'm in Roz's corner on this one. I will accept responsibility for my portion of the blame, make proper ammends if called for, and nothing more. My many years in AA/NA have taught me that if one points a finger at another, three get pointed right back at that individual.
I usually end up taking the blame because it's something I've had to do in my childhood. I was raised by a strict father who wasn't always fair, so to protect my younger siblings, I took the blame often.
Whenever something goes wrong, I take the blame unless it's obviously someone else's fault. I mean, I'd never take the blame for something like murder or theft(nothing serious like that!), but for small things, like who messed up the room or something silly like that.