Member Etiquette - Page 3 of 4

JB said: QUOTE I say take away agency and - Page 3 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 9th Nov, 2006 - 7:02pm

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17th Jan, 2005 - 3:48am / Post ID: #

Member Etiquette - Page 3

Well here is another one. A sister was handing out invitations to a "Pampered Chef" party, while in church. Excuse me? That is *so* inappropriate. I just threw it away.

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Post Date: 17th Jan, 2005 - 4:00am / Post ID: #

Member Etiquette
A Friend

Etiquette Member

Yes, those invitations are annoying, especially for showers or luncheons when you don't get an invite. How rude to do that at church! How about when its after sacrament meeting and someone is changing a diaper on the pew?

6th Nov, 2006 - 12:36am / Post ID: #

Member Etiquette Studies Doctrine Mormon

Rumbling On...

We have a mentally challenged Member that gets up each Sunday to bare what he considers his testimony. He is always the first to get up and takes up the most time, but the main problem is... what he talks about is cable, phones, his appointment calendar and so on - nothing spiritual. The leadership lets him go on and on without stopping him. If you were a leader what would you do?

Well, if I were the leader I would counsel him beforehand as to what is appropriate for sacrament meeting, and if he does not get it while up there then I would stand behind him and say something to the effect of, "Remember where you are and what you need to talk about or please sit down". Now the leadership says that they have done the first, but the second they do not do - they feel it is his 'testimony', but I do not know if I would call it that at all.

6th Nov, 2006 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Etiquette Member

We have a mentally challenged Member that gets up each Sunday to bare what he considers his testimony.

I think we need to clarify that the guy is a smart fellow. He can use the computer better than a lot of people, go to the internet, have a cel phone, etc. He is not so "challenged". Most of the time he just plays the fool because it's convenient to him.

If you were a leader what would you do?

Just before he goes to the mic, I would whisper on his ear to focus on his testimony about Christ. We are talking about a baptised member who also have the Aaronic Priesthood.

Now the leadership says that they have done the first

Oh really?And then they do something so controversial and opposed to what they said they did, as to encourage his "speech" by saying that what the guy shared is fine? Non-sense. Testimonies in the Church are supposed to be about Christ, not about whether you went to the beach and got the latest cable channel. spock.gif

Post Date: 6th Nov, 2006 - 4:06pm / Post ID: #

Member Etiquette
A Friend

Etiquette Member

Wow some of you guys are brutal. I wonder how annoying I get during Sacrament meeting. I still love you all though.
I laughed when the children getting up and walking around was brought up. It's so true and this must be a problem world wide. However, I will say I look forward to being that father who takes his child out to calm them down. I see parents do it often, and I just know my experience as a father will not be any different.
I will admit though that I, being young at heart, have the occasional mess ups and bother my wife by poking her rib or moving the hymn book up and down so she can't read the words. But she pinches my arm and tells me to behave. I think I might have ADD.
I loved this thread, because these things do accure every Sabbath.

Post Date: 9th Nov, 2006 - 4:19pm / Post ID: #

Member Etiquette
A Friend

Member Etiquette

The cel phone thing is probably my biggest pet-peeve. The other day my husband and I went into a store together and a salesman asked us what kind of cel phone we had. Not "if" we had one, but what kind.

My husband replied that we were rather proud of the fact that we didn't own a cel phone.

Every time I go to the temple, the matron makes the request for people to turn off their cel phones. I still hear people's phones go off in the dressing room. My husband tells me that in one session he was in, someone's cel phone went off during the session ... twice.

As if going off once isn't enough, it's the worst when the person doesn't abashedly turn it off, immediately.

Sometimes I think that the purpose of worshiping together as a community is to teach us tolerance and patience and charity about things that would otherwise just drive us up a wall.

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9th Nov, 2006 - 6:44pm / Post ID: #

Member Etiquette - Page 3

QUOTE (deleens)
The cel phone thing is probably my biggest pet-peeve.

Yes, not only because it is Church, but it is a general manners thing. When in a meeting it is ethical to place your phone on vibrate, and if you do not know how to do that then turn it off! What is more is when you can tell the call is no emergency, but a casual conversation. I have been so tempted to go over to the person and ask them to take it outside.

I also find mobiles very distracting for the youth. They are often looking at them during class, texting each other, etc. I say take away agency and BAN the phones from the Church devil.gif.

9th Nov, 2006 - 7:02pm / Post ID: #

Member Etiquette Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 3

JB said:

I say take away agency and BAN the phones from the Church

That's why I call you Saddam Hussein of the forum. rolleyes.gif

deleens said:

My husband tells me that in one session he was in, someone's cel phone went off during the session ... twice.

Now, THAT is serious. What is these people thinking if they are thinking at all?

My biggest problem is basic hygiene...yep...I do not think those who prepare, bless or pass the Sacrament should be shaking hands with everybody and then go straight to the Sacrament table.

Did I mention before how I try my best to bite my tongue when I see somebody with a cold who does not have a napkin, and they use their hand instead? *fainting motion* AND they want to shake hands with you afterwards!

Reconcile Edited: LDS_forever on 9th Nov, 2006 - 7:04pm

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