Who learns foreign language better, introverts or extroverts? Extravert Chinese students learning English as a second language are likely to perform better in speaking and reading, but less proficient in listening than their introvert counterparts, according to a study. Source 9a.
I do not think it has anything to do with introvert or extrovert but the person and their ability to learn. While a study like this can be interesting I find that it holds no water as it is more about the individual brain rather than their social make up.
Now this is funny because speaking and reading Arabic and Persian Farsi are my strong areas, while listening is my weaker area. Although, it isn't weak, I'm just a hair less proficient. I would definitely classify myself as an extrovert so I may be one who bears this study out.
Communicating in a foreign language takes emotion out of decision-making. If you could save the lives of five people by pushing another bystander in front of a train to his death, would you do it? And should it make any difference if that choice is presented in a language you speak, but isn't your native tongue? Psychologists know communicating in a foreign language matters. In a new study, they take a major step toward understanding why. Source 1e.
Learning two languages does not limit academic potential for Head Start students. Not all dual-language learners are at risk academically, but as a group, these students are often labeled as such, despite differences in their English skills. A new study found as dual-language learners gained English proficiency, they had significant growth in cognitive and academic development, eventually outperforming students who only spoke English. Source 5x.