There isn't any genre that I don't enjoy - a superior film in any genre will grip me in a few minutes. I guess the way to identify my favourite genre is to recognise the ones I enjoy even when the film is terrible: I loved Starship Troopers and The Barbarians so I guess that makes me a Science Fiction and fantasy geek.
And proud of it too!
A good movie in any genre is a good movie. There are times I like to watch a comedy, sometimes drama is good and of course you can't leave out fantasy and adventure. However with the later I find modern films lacking terribly. Not every fantasy is as good as the Hobbit.
I'll watch almost anything, but my favorite is action/adventure. Though I do believe that anime shouldn't be it's own category because it would then need to be sub-categorized into the other categories due to the fact that there are animes of all the different genres as well.
I chose Action and Adventure mainly because of the fact that is a lot more broad genre in my opinion. There are quite a few movies I like that are more related to the sci-fi/fantasy genre… but overall Action and Adventure incorporates those into the picture.
Action and adventure has the number one vote so far, can't argue with the reasons behind that. I have to pick that too. I love a good movie that puts me in a position I could never face for my own good. The hero can get wounded and survive I doubt I could.
It is hard to pick just one genre! I guess I will say horror movies. I'm referring to ones with a decent plot. I love psychological ones like The Ring. That one scene in the ring.... Horror movies just make me feel so nervous and so alive. Just watching the trailer for Lights Out has me very nervous and keeping some extra lights on. Horror movies are a true escape for me *smile*.