How to Win in Love & Life Bytes RPG and Spotlight RPG
There are TWO Voting Procedures depending on which RPG you are Voting For:
Love & Life Bytes RPG
Unlike other RPGs this is about how well you 'live' in the shoes of your character. Great prose will get you far more than strategy. Remember your ultimate goal is to gain as many Luck points as you can, but to do this you have to convince those that vote for you. Use a lot of metaphors, adjectives and similes to describe how you feel. The more descriptive you are the more likely it is that the reader will 'feel' for your character.
Love & Life Bytes RPG Voting
Remember, when you vote in this game you will be doing so for presentation. You CANNOT vote for yourself. Voting brings Luck as outlined here:
There will be a voting tally for your participation in a current game. You gain luck points based on how players vote for you. The more luck points you earn the more FP you earn:
a. Most true to life: 2 luck points (as though their character were real)
b. Most funny: 1 luck point (made you laugh)
c. Most involved: 1 luck point (participated often)
Ref. Voting & Luck FAQ
How To Vote
Email the GM via the Contact Page (link at bottom of every page) with the following info keeping in mind to use the username and NOT the character name:
Love & Life Bytes Vote
Your Username:
Current Game:
Most True to Life Character: (username)
Most Funny Character: (username)
Most Involved: (username)
That is all. The votes will be tabulated and posted in the current game.
Those Who Do Not Vote
Due to the fact that some participants are faithful in voting at the end of the game and others are not I have decided to develop a penalty system that will enable those who have voted to gain the points of those who do not vote. Also, those who did not vote will have a penalty brought against them. Sounds harsh I know, but waiting for a vote a long time causes new games to stall.
After a reasonable amount of time (possibly 'x' days), if you did not vote at the end of the game then '-1' will be given to each vote category of your character. Points you should have received will be given to those who voted by means of a random system. This system will make up for the fact that no one may have voted for them simply because they did not take the time to vote.