Mormon Doctrine: Restoration Of The Priesthood

Mormon Doctrine Restoration Priesthood - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 26th Sep, 2015 - 12:07am

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9th Jan, 2005 - 1:37am / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: Restoration Of The Priesthood

As we well studied in Church the Aaronic Priesthood was conferred upon Joseph Smith by John the Baptist and the Melchizedek Priesthood by Peter, James and John...but they are some voices that disent with this. First of all, on December 1996 Ensign gives the date of May 1829 for such event but how could it possible if there is not proof of such date?. I want to quote from which is not my favourite source of information but they usually gives both sides of the story. This is what I found:

international QUOTE
"In one of the early revelations given to the Prophet Joseph, the Lord makes most direct reference to the restoration of the higher Priesthood through the ministration of Peter, James and John. The subject matter of the revelation is the Sacrament of the Lord's supper; and in the course of it the Lord promises to "Drink of the fruit of the vine" with His servants on earth to whom the revelation is addressed; "And with Moroni, * * * and also Michael, or Adam, the father of all, * * * and also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be Apostles, and special witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry, and of the same things which I revealed unto them; unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fullness of times." (Doctrine and Covenants, sec. Xxvii). This revelation was given some time early in August, 1830, but only the first four verses were written at that time. The rest of it was written in September of that year. [Note: If these revelations were indeed received in 1830 as B.H. Roberts says, they were not written until after 1833 as they didn't appear in the 1833 Book of Commandments in a form including any mention of Peter, James, & John]. "

Source 3

"I was present with Joseph when an holy angel from God came down from heaven and conferred on us, or restored, the lesser or Aaronic Priesthood, and said to us, at the same time, that it should remain upon the earth while the earth stands. I was also present with Joseph when the higher or Melchizedek Priesthood was conferred by the holy angel from on high. This Priesthood, we then conferred on each other by the will and commandment of God."

(History of the Church, Vol. 1, p. 40 footnote) (This is Oliver Cowdery speaking)

Not mention of Peter, James and could he possible left out that part?.

international QUOTE

"Joseph Smith Jun. Testified of the Angel of the Lord's appearing unto him to call him to the work of the Lord, and also of being ordained under the hands of the Angel of the covenant".

(Stephen Post Journal, 27 March 1836).

international QUOTE
"No mention of angelic ordinations can be found in original documents until 1834-35. Thereafter accounts of the visit of Peter, James, and John by Cowdery and Smith remained vague and contradictory."

( D. Michael Quinn, Mormon Hierarchy:Origins of Power, page 15 )

international QUOTE

"...neither did I ever hear of such a thing as an [b[]angel[/b]ordaining them until I got into Ohio about the year 1834--or later. Oliver stated to me in Joseph's presence that they had baptized each other--seeking by that to fulfill the command. And after our arrival at fathers sometime in June 1829, Joseph ordained Oliver to be an Elder, and Oliver ordained Joseph to be an Elder in the Church of Christ."

(David Whitmer Interviews, page 154).

What are your thoughts?.

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9th Jan, 2005 - 2:27am / Post ID: #

Priesthood The Restoration Doctrine Mormon

I don't have definite answers for all these points, but here is just one thought: What if "The Angel of the Covenant" to which Joseph Smith supposedly referred was Peter himself? James and John would naturally assist and accompany Peter, but only Peter had the special position of being the angel with responsibility concerning the things he did. It may not have been necessary that James and John were seen by Oliver, or even Joseph, for that matter. Their function seems partially as that of witnesses. It may well be that Joseph and Oliver only discerned that Peter was there, and the knowledge of the unseen presence of the other two Apostles was revealed to Joseph at a later time.

Regardless, all these mysteries will be revealed in time, and at this point, perhaps it is enough for us to know from the written revelations that Peter, James, and John were present at that ordination. We really have very little specific detail on the technicalities of such events. At this point, we need to know that they happened and why, and at some future stage, the logistics will be revealed if we live the truth we already have.

Post Date: 11th Jan, 2005 - 10:56pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: Restoration Of The Priesthood
A Friend

Mormon Doctrine: Restoration Of The Priesthood Studies Doctrine Mormon

Those who post these quotes have a goal in mind. To try and put doubt into the minds of active Latter-Day-Saints. They search high and low for statements to try and accomplish this. It would seem that certainly Oliver would mention Peter, James and John visited them if in fact they did. A statement where he fails to mention this can then cause the reader to doubt. Maybe this was dreamed up at a later date and added after the fact. This would prove the whole thing was made up.

The same argument is made regarding the First Vision. Early talks by church leaders and those close to Joseph never mention God and Jesus visiting Joseph. There is much talk of the Angel Moroni coming and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon but the first written account of the First Vision appears around 1840. There are those that argue that the First Vision was created in Joseph's mind about that time and added to church history later. If it really happened, why aren't there any earlier accounts of it happening? Legitimate questions, but it is my experience that those who push these ideas tend to post partial quotes, omit some phrases to try and show a different meaning than what was really said.

Concerning the First Vision, there is no evidence that Joseph told anyone about this experience when it happened. The one exception is he stated he mentioned it to one of the Preacher's in town who quickly chastized him and told him visions do not happen anymore. With that kind of a reaction, he probably kept it to himself. I'm sure he considered it more of a personal answer to his prayer for I'm sure he had no clue of what was to happen. All he told his mother was that he learned for himself Presbyterianism wasn't true. No elaboration on how he knew this.

When he was visited by Moroni a few years later, he again told nobody until Moroni came to him and told him to tell his father. At this point, as far as his family was concerned, this was the first visit he got from a heavenly messenger for he had not told them of the visit of the Father and the Son. I'm not sure when he finally made it known, but most of the focus in the beginning was on the Golden Plates and the Book of Mormon, not on a visit from God. Today, we focus more on the First Vision but it was just the opposite in the 1820's and 30's.

It is easy for us to look back and say, Why didn't Oliver mention Peter, James and John? Hindsight is always better than foresight. I'm sure had Joseph and Oliver looked into the future and saw what this church was to become, they might have been more specific in documenting these events. But things were happening fast and quite possibly at the time, they weren't aware of how significant of an event it was.

2nd Nov, 2012 - 9:08pm / Post ID: #

Priesthood The Restoration Doctrine Mormon

Where would we be today if the priesthood was not restored to the earth, regardless of the exact date the fact that it happened is what we have to rest ourselves in.

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2013 - 10:07am / Post ID: #

Priesthood The Restoration Doctrine Mormon

Name: Michael

Title: Priesthood restored


international QUOTE
Not mention of Peter, James and could he possible left out that part?.

When I was ordained, several men all laid their hands on my head, but whenever I say who ordained me, I only mention my father and never mention the other men who stood in the circle. Only one can actually be mouth and perform the actual ordinance, although others may assist by standing in the circle and laying their hands on the head of the one being ordained. Thus, to say that Joseph and Oliver were ordained by a "holy angel" is strictly true.

But why not mention their names? It may be that by referring to Peter as a "holy angel" he felt that he was being more respectful than if he had called him by name. After all, Peter was a mortal man in the Bible, and most churches did not believe that mortal men and angels were on the same level.

Post Date: 20th Sep, 2015 - 8:38pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Mormon Doctrine: Restoration Of The Priesthood

President Nelson Dedicates Priesthood Restoration Site

President Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the Priesthood Restoration Site in Oakland Township, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, September 19, 2015. It was in this area Joseph Smith received the priesthood (The power of God delegated to man on earth), translated most of the Book of Mormon and received several additional revelations now canonized as scripture. Ref. Source 3v

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Post Date: 21st Sep, 2015 - 3:37am / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: Restoration Of The Priesthood
A Friend

Mormon Doctrine Restoration The Priesthood

Just some points in regards to the Restoration of the Lesser Priesthood or Aaronic Priesthood. John the Baptist was the last holder of that Priesthood by blood, family, and covenant. He came as the Forerunner to Jesus Christ and when he died it was his responsibility as a glorified being, an angel, to bestow that priesthood to Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdry.

In regards to the recording of events. Joseph's and Oliver's primary responsibility was to the the translation of the Book of Mormon and not to the recording of Church History. Also the Lord has many times prohibited the recording of many events and then granted permission for those revelations to be recorded.

The final point that should be considered, is in regards to Joseph's education. For an education and learning solely from the Bible, there would be many things that were not common knowledge. His writing would be less than professional standards for the time in which he lived. Who knows about his hand writing. He was being educated as he worked on translation.

Needless to say, the Restoration happened. First came the Aaronic Priesthood restored through John the Baptist and then came Peter, James, and John to bestow the Higher Priesthood, the Melchizdek Priesthood.

Post Date: 26th Sep, 2015 - 12:07am / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: Restoration Of The Priesthood
A Friend

Mormon Doctrine Restoration The Priesthood Mormon Doctrine Studies

There is only one source for the Higher Priesthood, from God himself; that is how others have received it in the past, in scriptures; just like Joseph Smith received it.

If one knows church history, they should see and know that, what we call Priesthoods today, were in the beginning of the Present Church, only offices, Priesthood was gained separate from these offices. But in time, it changed, and another abomination was created in the face of the Lord.

We each have to seek God/ Christ to obtain this higher Priesthood, other then Aaronic; Elder and High Priest is just an office in the Church.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost, does not give you the Holy Ghost, you have to earn it; in the same note, just because you are ordained to a Priesthood, does not give you the power, only a title, and a right, to work to obtain it.

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