I was just trying to set something straight. Pardon me. I got a PM from a concerned mod, and I didn't want the other two to think they had offended me when they hadn't.
I just sent you an e-mail. I have a computer older than Moses. It generally takes me a bit to get things done. Plus, I'm dealing with real life at the moment. Please be patient with me.
Message received and I replied to it and we conversed a little. I believe some points need to be mentioned in benefit to everyone, not so much in regards to this situation, but others too, that have also crept up. As soon as I am done I will post an update to this same message.
UPDATE: This subject has ben taken care of here
I had a bit of a concern that I wanted to bring up. I looked around and didn't know where else to bring it up. It is regarding what and what isn't included in the religious section.
Matters that seems to be extra doctrinal seem to be making it into the Studies of Islam board. Regularly there are threads started about some political event in which a certain extremist viewpoint is expressed.
I can accept that there will be societal and political issues which are related to religion.
So I was wondering if the board would permit me to start posting political threads in the "Studies of Judaism" section or "Studies of Catholicism" (since there is no single christian forum).
For example will I be allowed to post a thread in "Studies of Catholicism" "Studies of Latter-Day Saints" about anti-muslim remarks made by Norwegian politician Carl I Hagen at a christian gathering where he compared Muslims to Hitler, poked fun at Mohammed and raised fears that Muslims are trying to take over the world? https://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article828110.ece
Will I be allowed to post examples of Israeli violence towards Palestinians in the "Studies of Judaism" Forum?
Will I be allowed to post a thread about muslims killed by christian mobs in Nigeria? https://www.turkishweekly.net/news.php?id=26499
I personally think the religious boards should be purely for doctrinal purposes. If political isses are to be discussed then they should be discussed in the political forums.
For example if you were to look at the studies of islam forum you will see a topic called "covert to islam by force" and "convert to islam or die". Now if I started a thread about the relationship between the holocaust and israel which was shut down because there were other similar threads, some of the threads in the "studies of islam" section should be closed down.
Yes, if you look at the LDS, Catholic or Judaism Boards you will see that Political issues are Discussed. The point of the Religious Boards is not that you cannot talk about politics, it is that you are allowed to bring in Religion. You see Religion is not allowed elsewhere in the Community so the Religious section allows you to quote verses, Imams, Priests, etc.
I do however ask that you ensure that you Search first before starting a new Topic as most times it already exists. If you are unsure then ask in your Intro Thread as this section is more for Feedback about existing features, etc.
I'm not sure the topic of this thread, but it starts with this:
I just wanted to mention that once everyone sticks within the guidelines of the community it is impossible to be offended, and if anyone is I believe it is because they are either overly sensitive or need to take a look at the Lite Forum instead. |
I cannot understand how people get offended over a bunch of words located in the middle of cyberspace. A real life encounter with these people must be unplesant experience.