The dream of every boy is to become a pilot and there are really many planes as there are pilots. Do you think you could handle a plane that is involved in war?. Have you seen pictures of planes of world war II? what do you think about them?. Here is an informative link about those great planes. Known American pilots during world war II were: Robert S. Johnson, Gabby Gabreski, Pappy Boyington, Joe Foss, David McCampbell, Dick Bong, Tommy Blackburn, Edward 'Butch' O'Hare, and Chuck Yeager. Famous planes: Fighter planes like the P-51 Mustang, P-38 Lightning, and F4U Corsair.
As you said - it is the dream of every boy and I always wanted to be a pilot. I loved to build model WWII planes and the Spitfire was my favorite because of its' sleek design compared with the other war planes of the day.