Has anyone seen The Phantom of the Opera? We saw it last weekend and I may have to put it among my all time favorites. We saw the Broadway play before but the movie does a much better job of explaining the story line. I'm sure we'll buy it when it comes out on DVD, it's the type of movie you can see over and over again. Especially if you like the music which I do.
I haven't seen it yet, but I have friends (a husband and wife) who saw it this past weekend. They both loved it. Said it was one of the best movies they had ever seen and that everyone should go see it. I plan to go soon.
Edited: tenaheff on 11th Jan, 2005 - 10:36pm
**melts** I just got back from it, and I was absolutely astounded. I had borrowed the broadway cd from a friend of mine, and had it in my possession for two years. I was completely ecstatic when I first heard of them making a movie about it, and I think the movie lived up to the musical in a fantastic way.
I thought I was going crazy when I though Carlotta looked like Minnie Driver, and my boyfriend was looking at me like I was nuts. Turns out, she really is Carlotta!
I have never been fortunate enough to see Phantom on broadway, but I really hope to in the future. I think Andrew Loydd Webber has a God given talent, and proves it by his ability to turn a novel into a musical in an effective way.
Like Ambria, my main exposure to the storyline came through the cd set. I bought it so long ago, and fell in love with the music. They did a good job sticking to the storyline. There were a few different points where they altered a couple of the songs that I didn't really care for. When Christine is singing "Think of Me" and she does her little cadenza, I prefered the Sarah Brighton version of it moreso than the movie version.
Overall, they did an amazing job. The man who played the phantom had never had any professional singing lessons until after he had gotten the part of the phantom. That's impressive, in my opinion.