Rate Plugged RPG
Within this thread you may place your liking for the game for those who may be thinking about joining in.
Keywords: Matrix RPG
I really like how the RPG involves solo play and interactive. I also like how you start from not knowing anything about the matrix to taking the red pill, and then hopefully climbing up the ladder. It is nice how you can keep an in-character journal for your character along with scenarios.
I am this moment thinking of a unique way to have Plugged more Single Player based or to somehow integrate it with other features (RPGs) here (maybe even Tiempo) so that even Scenarios are not necessary for growth, but I am not sure how to do that. Ideas or things you would like to see are most welcomed.
That is exactly what I was thinking. I have to find Arcade games with a Matrix flavor though and I would also have to make it so that players cannot do it over and over again, maybe just once or twice. Actually, I am currently searching for some. By the way, in Zion there is a way for you to do this already, it is just because you are sort of stuck Raul that you cannot get there faster .
I'm impressed with the start and all that you have here JB. When I clicked on the get pluggedin link I thought I was going to be taken to a page like medieval where I had to do all that reading. I was glad to see that I followed the same path as Neo with the pill! I have to qualify now and that is real difficult, but I can tell this is going to be good fun. Thanks for updating it too!
I'm glad all of you are enjoying it. Plugged is one of the tougher RPGs to play in this Community because you need to have Arcade skills, Brainy skills, knowledge of the movie and creative writing. It was meant to be difficult, just as it is in the Matrix, but once you make your character really strong then you become untouchable.
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