How should the firearms community respond to Spree Killings and how can we start to train teachers
Tactical News From The USA
With the news still being shared about another violent spree murder targeting innocents who would be very likely unarmed, unprotected and unprepared to defend themselves from a predator, the firearms community should take a deep breath before responding.
Source: Down Range TV
McDonnell Discussion on Arming School Officials Draws Opposition (VA)
US Gun Related News
Not completely unexpected, Governor Bob McDonnell's comment yesterday that maybe it is time for a discussion about arming some school officials is drawing fire from the predictable quarters: Sen. A. Donald McEachin, D-Henrico, Democratic caucus chairman, said, The governor should know better than to suggest that arming citizens will solve anything. Maybe the governor should focus on solutions that could actually have an impact, like banning the high-capacity magazines used to inflict horrific violence upon countless American cities. The Virginia Education Association had a more measured response: Meg Gruber, president of the Virginia Education Association, the states teachers union, said...
Source: Keyword: banglist