Konquererz Introduction - Page 6
Wow Konquerez, I just read your
blog and you are such a talented poet!. I am very impressed and I look forward reading more of your writtings.
I read this on your blog and it reminded me so much to me. I have a son with special needs and when people invite us out for dinner we always say we cannot make it because of him, but people just do not understand, so I totally understand what you are going through. I just want to say that your wife is really blessed to have you as a husband because even though she may say go out, she really needs you besides her at this very difficult time. You know women, we say one thing and we mean another
I really hope everything work out for your family and always remember that true friends
always understand your circumnstances, no matter what it is, if they do not...they maybe they were never true friends in the first place. I wish that you
find within the community, the friends online that you may need at this time and that we may be able to be a support to you and be able to continue discussing great topics with the guy that "Love peaceful disagreement" as your
Rave description say *smile*.
All the best,
ps: Great pic!