Teen 'hacks' Apple Secrets

Teen ' Hacks' Apple Secrets - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 31st Jan, 2005 - 8:07am

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Post Date: 17th Jan, 2005 - 12:45pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Teen 'hacks' Apple Secrets


A Web site that disclosed Apple's top-secret plans to bring out a $499 mini
computer and a new bare-bones iPod -- prompting a lawsuit from the company --
turns out to be the brainchild of a 19-year-old Harvard University student.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/01/14/apple.s...s.ap/index.html

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Post Date: 18th Jan, 2005 - 6:54am / Post ID: #

Teen 'hacks' Apple Secrets
A Friend

Secrets Apple hacks Teen

Hmmmm.... As much as I don't usualy like big companys and them suing... I don't think the first amendment defends pirating secrets. They shouldn't have been posting the secrets of the company for profit. I think the main ones at fault were the ones that broke the contract with apple, but the web site should also be in trouble for posting thing that they must have known were secret. If they really wanted to get news ahead of time, then they should have made an agreement with apple.

Post Date: 31st Jan, 2005 - 7:40am / Post ID: #

Teen 'hacks' Apple Secrets
A Friend

Teen 'hacks' Apple Secrets Gaming Video & Issues Computer

I think I'm siding with Ciarelli on this one. It was first Apple's fault for letting the information get out, secondly the unidentified sources for leaking the information, and again Apple's for not stopping the site sooner. From the way the story reads, Apple didn't even know about this until after the MacWorld expo. More vigilant groups, such as Microsoft, undoubetdly have people snanning everything for any sign that information could be getting out, and stop it in its tracks.
Perhaps if Apple had let Ciarelli know early on in the game that the information posted on the website was considered a "trade-secret", then he would have been more obliging in taking it off. Of course, this is just speculation - now we can never know for sure how it would have turned out. Maybe he would have kept the announcements posted anyways, and everyone would still be back in the same boats.

Post Date: 31st Jan, 2005 - 8:07am / Post ID: #

Teen 'hacks' Apple Secrets
A Friend

Secrets Apple hacks Teen

QUOTE (Milanara @ 18-Jan 05, 1:54 AM)
Hmmmm.... As much as I don't usualy like big companys and them suing... I don't think the first amendment defends pirating secrets.

No one pirated secrets. The title of the article is misleading. When the news breaks a big government story, they don't get sued because they have inside sources. There is no what that Apple should win this suit. They can fire the person who gave the secrets, they can huff and puff about legal, but you cant sued the man who investigated, found a willing inside source, and disclosed the secret. News agencies have been doing it for years with no repercussion. Freedom of the Press applies here, the courts better not muck this one up, it would have disastrous consequences.

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