I know I should, but I don't generally wash my clothes before I wear them after having bought them. There are exceptions. I generally will wash my grandson's clothes because he has sensitive skin and I want to remove the sizing and other "chemicals" left on from the manufacturing process. Also, if I think a shirt has a lot of dye that will come off on me if I wear it before washing it, I will wash it first.
I assume that everyone trying on clothes keeps their undergarments on when trying stuff on since this is the law. Of course, there is no real guarantee that they do, but I don't worry about it much. Also, since I always wear undergarments, my own "private" areas don't come in touch with the clothing.
I eat at salad bars too, and there have been studies that show this isn't exactly a sanitary way to get our food. I just don't let the little things bother me too much. At least I try not to.
Edited: tenaheff on 20th Jan, 2005 - 4:25pm
We always wash new clothes before wearing it. I guess it is more out of habit than anything else. The exception may be clothes that come in packages like underwear or socks.
I definitely consider if someone else has worn the item before me. If it is a packaged item that has not be opened, then I may not wash it. If it is regular pants or a shirt, then I will wash them before wearing them. Now if it was a suit, then I probably would not have it dry cleaned until it needs it. However, I am definitely not phobic about it.
It depends on how quickly and soon I have to wear whatever I bought. If I am buying something last minute because I have to wear it, then it usually doesn't get washed. If I have leisure time and do laundry before I wear it, then I do use it. There are exceptions to that rule, though. If I buy undergarments that aren't packaged, I definately wash them beforehand.
I don't even consider other people having tried on an item that I have bought.It just doesn't occur to me.
I don't wash new items, because I like them to look new. Once an item has been washed, it loses some of its 'newness'
I think you can always find something 'worrying' in every day living, there is already in my opinion too many things to worry about, without looking for more
I always wash new clothes before wearing them. Why? Simply because there were other people who have tried them on before me. I usually think about other person's hygiene for instance, the other person who tried the outfit on before me, was probably sweaty or didn't take a shower before coming into the store! The only exception I am willing to make would be, as Vincenzo suggested, if the outfit is a packaged item, then I would wear it first and wash it afterwards.